Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

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Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

Post by billyblades » Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:45 am

hello fellas!
Lets talk about this cameron thing. Im not here for trouble!
In fact,,, I came here a few yrs ago to enjoy this place because I finally got a metro plexi and still to this very day , its my favorate amp.
I left here before because this place became a downer for me. If you read back to my first couple posts,,,,, I did the mod5 to my own metroamp "by my self"! After trying to enjoy this place and share,,,, I was quickly silenced by emails,pms and youtube & facebook messages from mark abrahamian.
He told me to keep quiet becausw the people here were too dumb to go searching for the mod5 spec n he was making a living doing the mod.
Keep in mind,,,,,this was before his mod was posted freely.

It started because he wanted 700 for a simple mod n I told him I will do it myself! Then when I researched I found Ralle actually conceived the idea n mark ran with it. I was a little put off n told him I allready installed a ppimv so he said 500 for the mod,,, I said fuk that n did it myself. When I tried to tell people he harassed the shit out of me! So I said,,,screw metro,,,,, its justa big rockstah worship zone n left.

Which leads me to friedman. I called him up n asked about modding my jet city 20 watter. He quoted me 300. I was thinking,,, hell,, ill just send him my plexi. But that 300 became 600,,,, then up n up till he told me for just under 3 grand he can make an amp for me. Its going to be his new ampline,,, which eventually became the marsha. A couple people showed me what he done and it was not an extensive mod so I declined. I thought it was shady that he lied to me about the plexi being harder to mod than a jet city. Actually the brown eye mod with saturation switch is just a JOSE ARRENDONDO MOD AND THE JET CITY "FOR THE RECORD" IS HARDER TO MOD THAN MY METRO PTP!

I had mark mod a sovetek for me around early 2000s before my son was born. He did it fot like 3bills. I was happy! Great sound! I loved it but it wasnt a marshall. So I scraped money n bought a mid seventies metal panel n sent it to him as he was slowing down on modding n concentrating on making his own line which started with the ccv.
Guess what,,,, no amp n mark fell off the face of the earth! I got screwed. I lookwd,,, I called police,,, I tried everything n ar the,end of the day,,, it was a civil matter that is impossible financially to fight.
I tried for a coupke times trying to track him to no avail.
Fast forward to present day,,,, I see the chupacabra come out n said hey,,, that kinda sounds like mycameron sovtek amp,,, n only a grand! I was gassin hard as shit so I went to youtube to see the fortysixand2 vids!
Below it had a video for a new cameron amp called atomica!
All I thought was "there he is!" I want my damn amp! I bought it when marshalls were climbingin price on ebay n metro was just starting!
I saw a few times where people didnt get their amps or even their ccvs so I figured hes a fraud. People said hes a druggie wgo lives in a storage unit.
So for awhile,,, I gave uo looking. I wanted to move on....i was operating my own business n had a small child. I had to mark it up as aloss,,,,, untill I seen him recently with his new anp,,, I burried the thought of it all. Then,,, I saq an extensice list of people waiting to get their amps n when I tried to get on it I was denied. They told me my proif was no good. The receipt I had from the money order was lost n the receipt from fedex was nolonger good because fedex only goes back 18 months ! So they treated me like I was bullshit.

I was nice at first but I got treqted likw dogshit n got pissed off!
So what,,, im human.
so after I got dissed,,, I started researching...going back yrs n seeing,,, all these guys are just bullshit! They get you believing they are magic when all thet did was created a buzz selling other peoples creations! Rocksah,,,with Ralles I de a and friedman n cameron hosing people regurgitating a mod from Jose A. Even going as far as disrespecting the mans legacy ,hardwork n knowledge by calling it the "browneye mod" (asshole mod).
I said to myself,,, fuck this shit. Im going to mod my own amps.
This aint rocket science.
I did it myself withalot of research and some trashed parts from experimenting.
People who claim it sucks are either protecting their exclusivity or protecting their wallets.
And for the record,,,im not the only person that got hosed.

Now with my modded metroamp,,, its a cameron/jose/friedman/rockstah inspired amp using elements from each. Im not really selling this thing but have offered publicly that I will perform the mod n share proceeds with charity. I did it to spite the proverbial GOLIATH MONOPOLY I SEE!
I even got a call from mark himself after the fiasco. I just wanted my amp or a replacement n since I was turned away I posted my creation on youtube.
Some sat it sukked lol. If it sycked than fruedman n camerins mods suck becayse I have friends that been inside their amps and guided me in my mission.
Please understand... I like metro. I believed in metro,,, George did alot of good for amp lovers. I never been fukked by metroamp! I own n buy netro products!
I just got sick n tired of people pissin down my leg n tellin me its raining.
Im a dad n a business owner who got ripped off by cameron n almost got taken by the other two.
Nobody called me out,,,nobody broke me down. I came in,,,, kicked the doors open,,,sat down with a middlefinger in the air like the rebek I am n said "you want to fuk me,,, I fuk back. Thats all.
Nobodys perfecr n I get emotional in a bad way but im just here tellin how it went down for the world to see what goes on behind the scenes.

Take it or leave it... Theres no debare. It is whAt it is!

I know im not getting my amp back. Mark has my letter.. He seen my videos.
Hes even called my shop. He doesnt own cameron amps anynore n he has 3 marshall that he doesnt know who they belong to! He said none of them are mine... Yeah ok!
I asked him so send me a replacenent and was denied! So ,,,instead of seeing average guys pay thru the nose for a "guru" to mod their amps,,,, I offered to help them n do some good for some local people (families) who are living in hotels with their kids from losing their homes.
Put a little good out there. Im a 40 yr old dad/rattoo artist/musician. Not a liar or druggie or an opportunist .
Say what you will,,, its ok. The first people will usually be the ones in bed with each other on this atomica..
Last edited by billyblades on Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica

Post by billyblades » Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:47 am ... ure=relmfu" onclick=";return false; ... ure=relmfu" onclick=";return false; ... ure=relmfu" onclick=";return false;
Above clips done with detuned les paul,,,clip below done with jackson,also detuned" onclick=";return false;

Have a great day everybody. I have no need to bring this further. Im done. Just puttin it out there so people dont think I was called out n ranaway or something like im reading. You can clearly see in the videos I dont need to get a free amp. I have an impressive arsenal , metro,engl,soldano,splawn,etc,etc
Im just a busy guy who loves music and amps. I didnt come to try to get a free amp as some will lead you to believe. I just seen the guy crawl back out from under a rock n wanted my property back. Thats all. I lost almost 2 grand! Yeah! Think about it. Then to be dissed,edited n deleted because they said there was enough time for me to get on the list?
It actually helped me dealing with these people because it transformed me from a consumer to a guy who can look at a schematic n "tell" you what each part is and what they sound like!
Some of you know exactly what I mean. I dont need paint by numbers layouts.

I can post the letter I wtote to cameron but really ,,, I said it all above and want to get back to having fun !
Middle finger in air waiving to mc,ma,df &bk
Im going back to rockin!
Put the nametags on this fellas! ;n)
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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica

Post by billyblades » Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:08 pm

If anyone wants to build the cameron joseatomica or friedman marsha
Details are in my threads @ sloclone. Set your minds free from the cages!

Let Jose Arrendondo rest in peace,,, let his work be looked at as genious!
Marshall and peavey copied his amps. And other people discrace his work calling itlan asshole (browneye) mod! Think about it!

Be Free! Live long n prosper! Get your tone!
This is the information highway,,, HERES YOUR EXIT!
This place is very valuable as well.
I love mY metro amp!

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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

Post by billyblades » Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:15 pm

And,,, for my finale!
Something of an ironic nature to give you a big laugh!

Watch the meistro work his magic,,, he really is a STAH-LL :palm:
WAKAWAKWAKA just read till you see the word "NICE!" :hairband: ... 1f1d530046" onclick=";return false;

Just in time for april fools day! Wow,,, how the Universe provides!

Blessed n good kharma to you all!

Peace,,, :champ:

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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

Post by slashl33t » Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:17 am

Hmm. this should save me a few bucks :twisted: :rock:
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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

Post by MarkCameron » Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:57 am

slashl33t wrote:Hmm. this should save me a few bucks :twisted: :rock:
This is all I will say........
This guy tried to get an amp from me...I asked him.....well...his friend ..he would never get on the phone with me.....after all his send me any prof he sent me an amp...he .. cant.....he says...he makes too much money to take the time to look for it....=== he's a lier
If not .....billybullshit... then post it you sent an amp to well as any other jackass who says thay sent me an amp..........
I have 4 people whos amp Ive had for too I happy about that
As far as CCV's ......look to Brad.... As it seems :lol: :lol: :lol: I dont own the cameron name :lol: :lol: :lol: and dont get paid one dime for it .....he owes you guys.

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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

Post by MarkCameron » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:54 am

MarkCameron wrote:
slashl33t wrote:Hmm. this should save me a few bucks :twisted: :rock:
This is all I will say........
This guy tried to get an amp from me...I asked him.....well...his friend ..he would never get on the phone with me.....after all his send me any prof he sent me an amp...he .. cant.....he says...he makes too much money to take the time to look for it....=== he's a lier+Ive never asked for $700 for a mod.
If not .....billybullshit... then post it you sent an amp to well as any other jackass who says thay sent me an amp..........
I have 4 people whos amp Ive had for too I happy about that
As far as CCV's ......look to Brad.... As it seems :lol: :lol: :lol: I dont own the cameron name :lol: :lol: :lol: and dont get paid one dime for it .....he owes you guys.

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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

Post by neikeel » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:54 am

Although George may or may not want to answer for himself directly but if I can quote from another related thread:
VelvetGeorge wrote:Ya know, this thread was locked, but I suspect the confrontation is far from over. Since I was dragged away from mixing hydraulic cement to seal up the last few cracks in the shop foundation, I'll going to weigh in on many of the points at hand. Take it what it's worth, and I'll try to separate black and white facts from my own personal opinion.

Things which are not up for debate:
  • Fender used RCA and Western Electric circuit examples
    Marshall "stole" Fenders Bassman circuit
    people have modded amps basically since the first amps were made
    there's virtually nothing new under the sun for these circuits, it's all been done one way or another
    free enterprise dictates that anyone can sell any product or service for whatever the market will allow
    those companies pimping their wares here have paid to do so via banner ads
    Scumback speakers were previously manufactured by Weber and now by Jim at his own facility
    BB: you are in violation of the forum rules for attacking members and advertisers
    Rockstah did conduct unethical business and is no longer here because of it
    Mark Cameron is no longer associated with Cameron amps take your issues up with him personally
    if Dave Friedman has ripped you off, I want to know about it. I have a vested interest in his company and products
BB, you made some very big claims with your first post on this thread. So matter of fact, and also derogatory to others who have done similar, that it begs for you to "put up or shut up". The level of tech ability and combined amp business experience on this forum is extremely high. You can't possible expect us to write off our life's work as inferior just because you come here and slam it and/or call us all rip off artists. Really, think about that.

I'm very happy that you like your Metroamps. I put all I had into those products. Ultimately, the business model didn't work, there just wasn't enough margin on the kits. The 100 watt kits, in a working business model, needed to retail at $1,300-1,400 USD. That's the reality, and I'm still paying off old debts I acquired while not wanting to accept that fact.

It's ironic and hypocritical of you, in my opinion, to cry foul that these established amp guys to use parts of circuits created decades ago by Jose and others, then claim that you yourself have done exactly that. Why is it OK for you and not them? Because you haven't charged anyone for the service yet? Because you feel your intentions are more genuine than theirs?

Listen, I've done work for most of the people and companies you list, I'm privy to an astonishing amount of proprietary info. I have personal and professional relationships with scores of boutique amp builders. Your cynical attitude towards these folks just doesn't reflect the reality of this industry. Don't let a few bad seeds reflect negatively on us guys who do care, go out of our way to ethical business and strive to honor the legacy of those pioneering amp modders who we emulate.

You definitely need to address incidents with those who have done you wrong, or attempted to, this just is wrong arena to do so.

This community is very savvy, we can smell bullshit a mile away. Rather than arguing against this group, you might find that you share much of our street smart instincts regarding amps. We might just be your best allies if you go in public and advocate against bad techs and business in the amp world.

Your welcome to your personal opinions here, the stronger the better. But you must post them in respectful ways, our mods will police the threads and identify and act upon abuse from any and all members.

Good luck to you.


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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

Post by MarkCameron » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:57 am

neikeel wrote:Although George may or may not want to answer for himself directly but if I can quote from another related thread:
VelvetGeorge wrote:if Dave Friedman has ripped you off, I want to know about it. I have a vested interest in his company and products
:roll: :lol:

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Re: Billyblades sets record str8! Cameron atomica DIY

Post by VelvetGeorge » Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:55 am

Ya know, you fuckers caught me in a foul mood.

Take this shit off my forum. I'm paying out of pocket for anything that banner ads don't cover to keep this place running. Only because it is a great resource and community. BillyBlades, I have yet to see you add anything positive to this community. In fact, you were banned once for a reason: because you are too socially inept express yourself and contribute your opinions like an adult.
Take your inferiority complex and fuck off.

Mark, mock all you want but I do have a vested interest in amps under any brand name that are built here in my shop.

I've always been nothing less than an ethical business man and have been happy to share what I have to offer with the amp community. If you feel the need to bad mouth me, go do it on a forum someone else pays for.
Locking this thread, but leaving it here so everyone gets my message.

Check out Plexi Replicas for my personal amp builds...
