My stash of old tubes- Weird things are happening!!

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My stash of old tubes- Weird things are happening!!

Post by Rickfox » Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:29 pm

Hey Guys!! Weird things are happening at my house!! I previously mentioned that my old Mullards (12AX7's and EL-34 xf2's) were just plain old, bad and microphonic. The EL-34's would not bias anywhere near each other. I had given up, but I couldn't bring myself to throw them away. Today, I just had a strong need to try them one more time. I put in the pre-amp tubes, no noise or anything. Put in the EL-34's, I did not have to adjust the bias! I took out my EH6CA7's and popped these in. I let the amp run for hours and occasionally playing the guitar. The amp sounds clearer, punchier, and alot more dynamic!! Whats up with this?? Will they be dead tomorrow? By the way, the EL-34's were .038 and .033 on my meter. I don't think that's a problem, right? Thanks for "listening" to all of this!!

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