Myth Busters: Eddie didn't lie 'bout nuthin'

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Just the numbers in order: 7

Post by Star*Guitar » Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:43 am

What makes you think that Stan? Do you have one? If do you like it...what does it add?

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Post by bmf5150 » Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:15 pm

no,but i have a cleanboost and thats all the mxr micro amp ever was.


Post by guest » Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:48 pm

The mxr microamp is a pretty decent clean boost . Many guitarists like it in the effects loop and claim it doesn't effect tone. Not so...there are a few caps in the circuit that DO affect high end rolloff and harmonics hence tone. For anyone intrested in the EVH tone an original mxr microamp would be a must have. All clean boosts are NOT created equal.

As for script logo phasers there are some tricks (mods) for making them as a treble boost also. It is also mentioned quite frequently in interviews by both Eddy and Rudy( his one time tech) that many mods were done to all of Ed's pedal circuitry, besides battery elimination which didn't happen till years into his touring days. Read the interviews over and over again there really is lots of great info.

My personal EVH respect thing is that he was the first guitarist to really come out and say all the commercial stuff hanging on the racks etc. made for your consumption is crap and if you really want the tone you pretty well got to build it yourself from scratch. From the screw in your pickgaurd all the way to the end of the signal (the speaker).

The beefed up transformers is a classic one beefs up a transformer..they replace them with beefier transformers that say handle more current etc. That goes good with cranking a variac to 140vac..a typical marshall tranny might not like the current consumption overload and burn up. The beefier tranny wouldn't.

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Post by guitar007 » Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:16 pm

I often thought about Ed's claim of a "beefed-up" transformer. This would help provide a "faster" high-end leading to a clearer, more articulate & punchy tone, right?


Post by guest » Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:18 pm

Probably the side effect of a beefier tranny with the variac cranked is a faster more articulate tone. If you reduce the voltage on the plates of power tube things get darker and darker and darker ..are you hypnotized yet? :D Yeh the higher the voltage the tighter the high end and clearer ..more headroom. The slvania 6ca7 could handle 800vdc on the plates if I remember correctly.

I don't think for a minute ed applied the max rating of that classic milspec tube..however if you do the math with a typical marshall tranny and calculate the 120 to 140 vac boost and compare to the output voltage you should have a ball park voltage of what kinda voltage to expect . it should be directly proportional. It will also explain the ****** mod to reduce the strain on the output tranny and shift it too the milspec tube. Probably cheaper at the time to replace tubes than transformers.

What I like doing is useing a nano head as an output section of a plexi for eddy tones. It has all the fast tight high end and lots of tonal options that mimic a variac cranked marshall. From the input of the effects loop I go to an eq then delay . As I don't plug into the return the power amp is not functioning..could remove the tubes even. Then I go into a nanohead and use it as power amp. You get the highend fast articulate tone and many other tonal possibilities, kind of like a poweramp with tone control. You can go everywhere from dark to superbright and everything in between.

This tells me Eddy's marshall was defintely modded in the poweramp. As the nano has a volume control it also means you get great tones at low volumes , negating the need for attenuaters ,powersoaks ,ppimv's etc.etc. that change your tone as well as volume.

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Post by guitar007 » Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:47 pm

So what tranny would be a good choice?


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:20 am

You probably won't be able to find a tranny with the extremely high voltages required that will also supply you with the heater filmant.

Enter the PLATE transformer

These transformers will provide the high plate voltage.
Your plexi transformer functions as it does but the power tube plates run off this seperate higher voltage transformer. No need for a variac unles your looking to lower the voltage or up it on the other transformer. With 2 variacs you could really have some fun.

Now you know why it takes guys like Jose to implement these kinda mods. There are so many wiring variations ie doubling,ct's etc...then there could be problems associated with having other transformers's definately something not for the home brewer . These voltages will give you the "perm of death"if you screw up. :( Need plenty of "rye courage " to play amps with 1000's of volts flying around. Next time you see Ed with a bottle you'll know why. :D Me I'll stick to a stock plexi or a nano ..much safer.

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