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Re: VH 10 June 1977 boot and Ed's gear

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:05 pm
by EJSLPlexi
jnew wrote:I bought the Super 2 because I had read that it was almost exact to the 1400. But it has lots of highs, mids are good but lows are not much. It sounds great and has the perfect drive but the EQ slope doesn't sing to me. I've never tried the MM 1400 so I can't comment or accurately compare but I'm keeping my eye out. So far, the Duncan Custom still gets my vote. It's a muscle PAF to my ears. 8)
I can't say anything about the old super 2's but i have a newer one from the 90's and it is not the same as the 1400.
Mighty mite named it vintage because dimarzio trademarked the term PAF and mighty mite had to call it something else.
They named it Vintage for classic PAF.
It is mighty mite's take on the dimarzio PAF for the neck with a 1300 or 1800.
The MM1400 is much like a hotter PAF tone and the super 2 is a high output DSD neck tone with like you said less bass and more treble and is nothing like a PAF tone. it has more output than the 1400.
When i compare them i am pretty convinced the super 2 and 1400 are not supposed to be the same.
The 1300/1400 set is the equivalent to the dimarzio DSD/PAF set that was so popular in the 70's.
As a matter of fact the 1400 is a lot like the old 70's cream dimarzio PAF i have but it is hotter and tighter,

Re: VH 10 June 1977 boot and Ed's gear

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:17 pm
by jnew
Good info. I bet the Super 2 would sound good as a neck pickup. I don't use Humbucker neck PU's myself but I have some LP's I might try them in. I have to find a 1400 to give it a real attempt. I have a 1300 and it kicks ass. Not too far different than my old DSD. I be shocked it the 1400 would de throne the old SD Custom though. :what:

Re: VH 10 June 1977 boot and Ed's gear

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:44 pm
by EJSLPlexi
jnew wrote:Good info. I bet the Super 2 would sound good as a neck pickup. I don't use Humbucker neck PU's myself but I have some LP's I might try them in. I have to find a 1400 to give it a real attempt. I have a 1300 and it kicks ass. Not too far different than my old DSD. I be shocked it the 1400 would de throne the old SD Custom though. :what:
Great neck pu if you dont mind the hotter output. it is very clear and fast for the neck spot reminds me of paul gilbert neck tone.
as for the old custom vs 1400?
I have a zebra custom from 1978(red ink date stamp) and the 1400 i bought from Rgorke and they are very similar in tone to each other.
The duncan has more output, punch and kick but the 1400 has more of the PAF twang you hear on VH I and it has that
definitive high scream/shriek when eddie bends notes on the strat on VH I. cleans up better than the custom for stuff like ATBL.
Both are awesome pu's :thumbsup:

Re: VH 10 June 1977 boot and Ed's gear

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:27 pm
by jnew
Shit man, just what I did and didn't want to hear. :lol:
Now I have to find one.

Re: VH 10 June 1977 boot and Ed's gear

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 6:04 am
by sdelac2
Can I ask you some question

Re: VH 10 June 1977 boot and Ed's gear

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 5:28 pm
by jnew
Ask away. 😉

Re: VH 10 June 1977 boot and Ed's gear

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 11:23 pm
by sdelac2
EJSLPlexi wrote: ↑
Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:24 am
leadguy wrote:
Notice the 50 watt amp on the right is plugged in and ready to go but not the 100 watt amp on the left.
I still think VH I is a 50 watter and not his NO.1 marshall head 12301.
yeah it is just speculation but i hear a 50 watter's gain on VH I and VH II is the 100 watter(12301)
Hi Can I ask you some about Super2 and MM1400 if you want