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5150 III-IV

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:00 pm
by wjamflan
Q: Speaking of equipment, what new EVH gear are you working on?

A: People are always screaming and yelling for that classic vintage guitar sound. The 5150 III amps are very high-gain. The main thing that we’re working on is an amp that is modeled after the old vintage Marshall that I used on the first six records. I wanted more sustain out of them.

The difference between the 5150 III amp, and this new amp we are working on is the tubes. They use EL34 tubes, which are more like my original vintage Marshall. Still trying to figure what to call it. Might call it the 5150 III-IV because they use the EL34 tubes. I told Howard Kaplan, the amp guy at Fender/EVH, what I wanted, and just last week they all came out and I gave it a test run. It blew my mind. It has the old vintage tone but with more sustain ... an-rock-n/

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:31 am
by mapat
Oh no he din't.


Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:29 am
by dirtycooter
I am envisioning something very much like Landry's offerings here for some reason. Of course we know the Marshall Satch sig can get the '34 brown thing happening decently. The Landry amps. Both pretty convincing. With the Landry bein really nice here.
I always loved the Egnater original TOL's. This is the sorta vision I am getting.
Something in this vein as its how the 5153 kinda hit me.
I just can't see how Ed could do a spot on of his #1 and hope dudes know how to use use it with other things like a variac and such without jiffin it all up.
So I see another channel switching master volume more old school marshall tone-hopefully without a hint of modern voicing-that can be as cool as the Landry-maybe giving some cleaner thing with the brown thing then maybe get into those sustainy lead higher gain past the brown mid gain thing the TOL did on channel 4.

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:09 am
by Tone Slinger
Its either gonna be

A) Expensive
B) VERY Expensive

Like you said, not many people are gonna understand/jive with what actually needs to be done with a repro 'stock' plexi to get at Ed's early tone. This pretty much means that the amp will be about as you described imo.

So, for A) It will be a 'Vintage/Modern' type ($2k or so ?), and for B) it will be an all out "Cork sniffer" repro of the #1 (5-10K ?)

Ed mentioned "More Sustain" though, guess that takes out B)

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:14 am
by chrisom
Ed needs to try the MetroPlex... :hairband:

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:37 am
by dirtycooter
As nice as the metroplex is....
wtf would he need it for? He HAS #12301 :what:
Its kinda an ironic thought ain't it? Ed needin a brown amp? Crazy to think about.

But... maybe it will be a built in variac type deal very much like it?? Suppose its possible. :scratch:

I am sure Fender hired some fandango high tech wizard to come up with a flux capacitor buried inside 30 some odd layers of printed circuit boards hiding an extremely around the world way of makin it happen with a secret to the sauce cast inside of stone as intellectual property and served up with a price tag of scarcity of plutonium proportions. Which just mentioning that word is having me investigated by the CIA and they are gonna find out I watch ALOT OF PORN! I am so hit now :lol:
I almost guarantee it will be a master volume affair though. It will be cool to see what schemes will be chosen by Ed's ear here in all this and how its layed out.

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:09 am
by chrisom
If it's like past offerings, Ed & his manufacturer will hype it up when it comes out, sell a bunch of them, then Ed will say, "Oh, I decided it didn't sound good enough, Here's the new version '5150 III X2Nb 2.0' for you to buy now. I don't use my other amps anymore..." SUCKERS! :lol: :vh: :whistle:
All of Ed's best stuff was recorded using Marshalls or Soldanos. The only way to get Ed back to using them is to STOP buying this sell-out shit he's been peddling for the past two decades. Enough is enough... :palm:

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:40 am
by guitar007
There is a big part of me that still hopes he will get together with Marshall before putting together a true 12301 sounding amp.

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:18 pm
by popskull
Yep Ed needs to do this one right and go with Marshall--maybe even relic it up like the original--Im just afraid its going to be WAY out of my price range

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:00 pm
by GilmourD
guitar007 wrote:There is a big part of me that still hopes he will get together with Marshall before putting together a true 12301 sounding amp.
I have no problem with him doing it with Fender. Mean... Marshall did rip off Fender for the basic circuit topology. :lol:

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:21 am
by dirtycooter
I think I feel the Peavey days were a farce ampwise. Not the guitars because I feel they were respectable.
But the amps were not really toneful. Flat out. They really aren't.
But I think the 5153 stands firmly on its own.
If he can bring together something moving the 5153 into the very vintage direction with classic tone? I will be all over that like a piss ant on a popsicle stick.
I can already kinda see it myself. I really can. And its gonna be a good sounding fun amp.
All he has to do is pull off what he did with the 5153 in the vintage vh tone realm and its gonna be just fine.
So I hope he takes his time, pushes hard to get it right, before he quickly signs off on it and starts chuckin them out the door.
I think since Eds gone with Fender he is really focused on leaving a quality legacy of products.
You can nit pick all you want but so far the EVH Fender thing has spawned some solid stuff. And nothing is EVER perfect. Not even them old marshalls-they got quirks too. Like it or not.

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:37 am
by Blix
dirtycooter wrote:I think I feel the Peavey days were a farce ampwise. Not the guitars because I feel they were respectable.
But the amps were not really toneful. Flat out. They really aren't.
But I think the 5153 stands firmly on its own.
The 5153's are generally better for most than the Peaveys, but Ed sounded much better with the Peaveys... :)
That's the weird thing :what:

Personally I really like the Peaves and would definitely not call them a farce at all. They are raw and brutal. Not nearly as easy to play as the EVH's

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:41 pm
by dirtycooter
Every pv that I have played on the lead channel
A. Noisey as hell
B. Ear fatiguing as hell-there is something in the top end thats just.... like an ice pick i the ear and you cannot dial it out.
Could it be refined? I am sure it could. But seriously I do not miss my PV one bit. I don't think it was truly completed to be honest. Supposed to be compared to a slo and gain level was the only thing comparable-but a serious comparo to SLO is night and day difference tonally.

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:52 pm
by Blix
dirtycooter wrote:Every pv that I have played on the lead channel
A. Noisey as hell
B. Ear fatiguing as hell-there is something in the top end thats just.... like an ice pick i the ear and you cannot dial it out.
Could it be refined? I am sure it could. But seriously I do not miss my PV one bit. I don't think it was truly completed to be honest. Supposed to be compared to a slo and gain level was the only thing comparable-but a serious comparo to SLO is night and day difference tonally.

Ed sounds much better with the old Peavey than he does with the newer and smoother EVH's , that's what counts. :)

I'll do my best to find a Peavey 5150 some time this year and post some clips here.

Re: 5150 III-IV

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:31 am
by dirtycooter
Yeah but you're one of those jerks that everything you play through sounds good. I hate you :lol:
I myself tried in vein and I cannot coax much from a PV. I tried it dry, then I lubed it up, I did it missionary and doggie, even spit on it before I put it in. Still nuthin :( :what:
But I would like to try that crunch channel again with an e.q. gain boost. Just to see if it browned up more. I did however nail the AIC Sludgefactory tone with it. But again on the rythm crunch channel. And it seemed strictly a metal tone.