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How Different is recorded and live?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:22 pm
by Koa-dogg
Dumb question but I'm a newb in this area. I hear a lot of good clips on this board and am curious what the difference is between what the clip sounds like when you're playing versus what you hear once youplay back the recording?


Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:35 pm
by Flames1950
My amps sound more distorted in the room than they do on the track......

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:19 am
by Scumback Speakers
Mics seems to pickup more OD/distortion than when I'm out playing live. Consequently I turn down a little when recording, and turn up when playing live to compensate.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:12 am
by JimiJames
When I hear a juicy tone live and I know it's gonna sound killer recorded. I made sure of this
because I targeted some of the best mic pre's in the business. The Digidesign series of course, but,
the Presonus's 6x10 FireWire or the M-Audio Firewire 410 to name a few of the less expensive models. The D/A's (digital-to-anolog) converters are just as important...
Remember live is live and when you mic that speaker it's you who has to give the listener a good representation of your tone/sound.
There are many other products in all price ranges to fit the bill... Even Line6's TonePort has a XLRmic/1/4"line input to do the job effectively and man I see them on fleaBay cheap !
Most Bundles come with software that will do the job ! ProTools and Nuendo is nice but, hey.... The bundle software was made to work in conjunction with the hardware pakage , right?
Do your homework when recording...
Listen with your headphones to pinpoint a spot or just do multiple takes of mike placement/positioning
See how it sounds to you... Is it a good representation of what you hear digitally on your computer or are presenting to the listener ?
Well then, good job ! Time to get yourself some heavy hitters & get signed !