Everything SIR #34 UYI

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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by blacklabel » Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:32 pm

Dannyz wrote:Hey bmwfreq! what are your thougths about the TungSol 6550 current production?

My amp is a Marshall SL-5, the amps tophology is not that far from the JCM 800 84´...actually it has the same preamp with the correct values. To avoid the modification to #34 specs (maybe one day i´ll modify the amp) im using as an "always on" booster a Whiteface Proco Rat tweaked in its high pass/low pass filter for a parked wah wah effect like Slash´s #34 tone. Its almost spot on, even my settings are almost the same as Saul´s (Treble 0 - Mid 3,5 - Bass 8 - Pres 0...Gain is a little diferent, ive got it at 4,5 and volume to taste, most time at 4,3).

The amp has an El34b made by Shuguang tubes, if i push the master volume to 6 or 8 the amps tone become too bassy and ruins the almost identical #34 tone that i got using my unorthodox gear. Im using the onboard Celestion Vintage 30 that came into the SL-5.

If you can, go into incredibly descriptive details (Jump Street 22 dixit lol) about the Tungsol 6550, here in my country that single tube (not even a quad) cost about U$S 80...i know the best way is tryin´ by myself but i would like to hear your opinion. By the way your #34 clip is awesome! GREAT job.
Hey Dannyz can u do some clips with your booster and rubys tubes? i have a marshall SL-5 and i changed preamp tubes with 2 TAD and 1 electro harmonix, i use a Boss ge-7 as booster always on. Like you, i love #34, i wanted to change the EL34 with a 6550 but we have same problems, i have to buy one :lol:
Generally i have treble 4 - mid 5,5 - bass 7 - pres 3-4, so i'm curious to hear the sound of your marshall 8)

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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by rockdude1 » Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:11 pm

Hi :). Slash used a vintage Butterscotch tele on Yesterdays too if I recall. In terms of tubes I remember Slash used groove tubes, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, and I'll take no offense, and I'm jogging my memory to remember. Groove tubes then I think were a little bit better quality in the very early 90's. I've always thought there were some condensers like a U47, and U87 for room mics on UYI. Sm57's were used, those went into Neve 1073's then to Dbx compressors. I think some Trident gear was used too. Slash owned a Trident board that was destroyed during an Earthquake in 94. I Think he used an sd1 too particularly on "Locomotive." But didn't use it on everything. If you check out the Live in Tokoyo dvd show, on the UYI2 show in the beginning before the show starts it shows backstage footage, and you can see Slash's rack with an Sd1. And of course a Boss ge-7. Slash had a boss pedal board laying around too with various pedals. AN eventide harmonizer for some things as well such as the solo on Live, and Let Die. He had 3 custom shop Fender strats with humbuckers too, I don't remember if that was during Illusion recording, or after. He used one live on "Dust & Bones" live. Someone mentioned him using a p90 guitar. I know he did use that on the Alice Cooper track "Hey Stoopid" I don't think it was used on Estranged though. I could be wrong though. He used his Lp copy, 87 Standard, the 58 Lp originally owned by Joe Perry, which he gave back to him on Joe's bday years ago. A sweet 58 Korina V, and Korina Explorer, don't remember if he recorded with the Explorer. He used a cherry sunburst 58 lp on "So Fine" and a vintage 60's vintage Sunburst Strat. Then he had the Sir Marshall, the Jubilees. I remember he used the Jubs for the clean tone, I saw years ago he had Kt88 tubes in one used for cleans. With some Dbx compression. Not sure if that amp was modded while recording though. And the feedback generator as it was called which had a Mesa mklll combo in line with the Marshalls. I forget how it was set up, but remember a volume pedal in the chain. You can hear this on "You could be Mine" intro. I saw a pic of Slash and Izzy with the Mesa combo, and him playing an Es 335. Not sure if it was one he owned or was just playing in his off time.

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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by Unique » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:56 pm

Where did you hear about the 1073's? I'm sure it was Neve's that were used as they have been the choice for many, many years. I know AFD was mixed on a Trident 80C board, not Slash's, and UYI was mixed on an SSL4000E. This info came from interviews from Mike Clink (about AFD) and Bill Price (about UYI). I have never came across any info on the pres, but that's not a hard guess, or any other studio gear. A lot of that can be easily figured out when you look at the studio's gear list where they did final mixes. I doubt he used a dbx compressor in the studio. I know he had one on his live rig, but there are far better options in a professional studio to use. Also mentioned in the separate interviews by Mike Clink, and Bill Price was that the guitar tracks for AFD was recorded to tape on a Studer A800, while on UYI, Slash recorded all of his tracks to DAT's. According to Bill Price he had 48 DAT's full of overdubs. That's a lot of material!

Slash recorded the demos for the first Snakepit album in his home studio in the house that he sold to Billy Bob Thornton. Not a whole lot of detailed info out there on any of GN'R's or Slash's Snakepit recording sessions. This is where the magic happens that adds the extra kick, or should I say the grit to Slash's sound.

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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by Dannyz » Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:17 pm

blacklabel wrote:
Dannyz wrote:Hey bmwfreq! what are your thougths about the TungSol 6550 current production?

My amp is a Marshall SL-5, the amps tophology is not that far from the JCM 800 84´...actually it has the same preamp with the correct values. To avoid the modification to #34 specs (maybe one day i´ll modify the amp) im using as an "always on" booster a Whiteface Proco Rat tweaked in its high pass/low pass filter for a parked wah wah effect like Slash´s #34 tone. Its almost spot on, even my settings are almost the same as Saul´s (Treble 0 - Mid 3,5 - Bass 8 - Pres 0...Gain is a little diferent, ive got it at 4,5 and volume to taste, most time at 4,3).

The amp has an El34b made by Shuguang tubes, if i push the master volume to 6 or 8 the amps tone become too bassy and ruins the almost identical #34 tone that i got using my unorthodox gear. Im using the onboard Celestion Vintage 30 that came into the SL-5.

If you can, go into incredibly descriptive details (Jump Street 22 dixit lol) about the Tungsol 6550, here in my country that single tube (not even a quad) cost about U$S 80...i know the best way is tryin´ by myself but i would like to hear your opinion. By the way your #34 clip is awesome! GREAT job.
Hey Dannyz can u do some clips with your booster and rubys tubes? i have a marshall SL-5 and i changed preamp tubes with 2 TAD and 1 electro harmonix, i use a Boss ge-7 as booster always on. Like you, i love #34, i wanted to change the EL34 with a 6550 but we have same problems, i have to buy one :lol:
Generally i have treble 4 - mid 5,5 - bass 7 - pres 3-4, so i'm curious to hear the sound of your marshall 8)
Here´s a demo clip that i made today, mega-sloppy playing (didnt sleep for 2 days because exams). In a few days i´ll upload a better sample. The crappy recording comes from my cellphone (Alcatel One Touch Idol´s built in recorder).


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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by blacklabel » Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:15 am

bmwfreq wrote:I have created this forum for those who have questions concerning mods, stories, photos, general questions, schematics, recordings, and of course, questions and info about the #34 mod and its creator; Frank Levi.
I have a question:
what's the mic placement for #34 sound? i knew that cone edge off axis was for afd sound, while cap edge for live era..

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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by Unique » Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:42 pm

blacklabel wrote:
bmwfreq wrote:I have created this forum for those who have questions concerning mods, stories, photos, general questions, schematics, recordings, and of course, questions and info about the #34 mod and its creator; Frank Levi.
I have a question:
what's the mic placement for #34 sound? i knew that cone edge off axis was for afd sound, while cap edge for live era..

On both AFD and UYI Mike Clink said that the set up was one SM57 pointed dead center, closed mic'd for Slash's takes and that's all. Sounds pretty simple, but it does give a very good recording as the SM57's frequency response rolls off the any harshness. I hope that helps.

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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by blacklabel » Fri May 01, 2015 2:18 pm

Unique wrote:Talking about Slash's high gain sounds, I'm not trying to guide the topic to tubes, or only make comments about tubes, but with the Beijing Military 6N4's I match the "Don't Damn Me" rhythm tone with my gain set about 4. So I don't believe that Slash needed to use a distortion pedal, or anything else with #34 to get his high gain rhythm tone.

Unique i found these preamp tubes Beijing 6N4J 12AX7 ECC83, are the right ones?

I found these on ebay: http://www.ebay.it/itm/1-PCS-Beijing-6N ... d#shpCntId

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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by bmwfreq » Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:32 am

budubum92 wrote:
Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:44 am
are you gonna be covering how slash got his hi gain tones on UYI aswell? i believe it would be very difficult to get those with just that #34 amp.
The high gain songs were achieved by merely turning the PRE-AMP up just a hair. There's a possibility that Slash could have used a signal boost pedal, but I doubt it. I can achieve the same tone from "Don't Damn Me" on my #34 replica just by turning the PA up to just below 2. There may be quite a bit of speaker distortion in that song as well.
1984 2203 JCM 800
(#34 mod)
1960AV 4x12
2x12 25 watt Greenbacks
2x12 Vintage 30's
[ ..... ]
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Re: Everything SIR #34 UYI

Post by vibesound » Tue Jan 03, 2023 5:53 pm

Just a quick answer regarding the dbx compressor used. It was one of the original vu meter models. Mike clink has mentioned using these several times. The tone was achieved by using an eq pedal in front of the amp boosting around 1k and possibly with the level raised to introduce the extra distortion. The eq settings slash used to use live are a good starting point to capturing the uyi tone with a 34 modded amp. With the mids and bass around 6 and treble around 4. The mid boost from the pedal is important to capture the tone, it’s basically a less exaggerated version of his live ge7 settings that he used for his solo boost.

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