BOG? I got close!......atleast I think so haha

His guitar slung across his back, his dusty boots is his cadillac.

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BOG? I got close!......atleast I think so haha

Post by basile865 » Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:12 pm

Hey everyone. Worked on some recording this weekend with my bassist. He also brought his music man 410 HD130. We were working on this one jam based off this wes montgomery bass line we picked up.

My stock american standard strat - maple fretboard, stock except jumbo frets, bone nut and ernie ball 11's power slinkys. This ran into a TS9 tube screamer that had the gain almost all the way down as well as the tone and the level all the way up - just for a thickening boost aid.

We then worked the same jam through my plexi in one take and his music man in a second take. I'm really proud of both jams but I think the music man especially has this BOG thing going on. My proudest tone to date. The Music Man is a 1975 all stock except it has some broken in Electro Harmonix 6CA7's in it. I would've never guessed this could produce a BOG sound with 4x10's but I really want to get my hands on one of these amps now!

This was recorded with us jamming together at the same time using 3 mics. One was right up on the bass cab, one was right up on the guitar cab and then I had one about 5 feet back from the guitar cab to help catch a little room reverb because it sounded too stale without a little ambiance.

I'm working on posting the two jams which are about 6 minutes each on one of my myspace pages. Check them out and let me know what you think! Listening through some decent headphones helps retain a lot of the bass, I find through other stuff the sound quality suffers a lot.

The Music Man is used on "Jam 1" and the plexi is on "Jam 2"" onclick=";return false;

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