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Pali Gap Effect

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:46 pm
by basile865
What is the effect in the beginning of Pali Gap that he's using where he slides up and down and mutes the strings? Then it remains sortve in the background of the song, and makes appearances here and there.

The clean tone on this is also some of the best I've ever heard him have, perfectly warm punchy and fat. Love it.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:36 pm
by Tone Slinger
Rob, I think thats Jimi sorta sliding or raking the side of his pick on the strings. I think its in the area of the pick ups, above them, that is. I'm not sure I know the part you are talking about. I'll have to give it another listen.

I agree, the tone on it is great. Sorta like the tone he got on the Woodstock version of 'Red House'.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:15 pm
by basile865
yea its definitely an effect, I don't just mean the physical playing. Its sort've a real peculiar sound, hard to describe. Its nothing I've ever heard a pedal do, it was probably some sort of cool/weird studio effect.

The beginning has clean, regular guitar doing that low building riff off the low E string. On top of that jimi uses this weird effect Im trying to figure out and slides up and down the strings, Then he plays a small lead melody with the effect on. THEN the clean overlaps that with the bass simultaneously coming in. The whole thing is a beautiful layering of great, but completely different tones. That was one of his greatest abilities, to fuse multiple tones together that just enriched the whole outcome without being overly done.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:31 am
by carlygtr56
Those are pick slide sounds.
Sounds like a Leslie, IMO

Doesn't sound like a Strat to me either. Maybe his Flying V. Sounds very much like the Flying V tone from the live Rainbow Bridge concert, straight in the amp.

At 3:23 the Leslie guitar takes the lead while the straight guitar plays the backround.
At 4:00 the straight guitar ressumes the lead.

What a great track of layering guitars using different tones, and having them play off each other.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:46 pm
by basile865
I understand they are pick slide sounds, but there's an effect on the guitar, some sort of filtering or SOMETHING i dont know. The EQ makes the guitar sound sortve distant and thin but with some subtle modulation going on.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:02 pm
by Tone Slinger
Oh, I think I know what your talkin about now. I think its the 'vibrato' mode of a Uni-vibe, almost like how he uses it in 'Dolly Dagger' and 'Hey Baby'(New Rising Sun). Set for a sorta 'wobble'. Sounds like he's using the neck pick up of his strat with the tone rolled back just a bit. Here again, VERY 6550 sounding, in the way that its a cleaner,harder, glassier sorta tone than the 67-68(kt-77&el-34) stuff. Jimi did,however, use a 4/10 bassman(6l6) on some of the cleaner stuff on 'Electric Ladyland'.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:11 pm
by carlygtr56
basile865 wrote:I understand they are pick slide sounds, but there's an effect on the guitar, some sort of filtering or SOMETHING i dont know. The EQ makes the guitar sound sortve distant and thin but with some subtle modulation going on.
Here's a bit of the riff with the Vibrato mode- ... ID=6419844

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:22 pm
by Tone Slinger
Great tone and playing, as always :D .

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:40 pm
by Billy Batz
Sounds like UVs vibrato to me too. Its kinda like an echoplex warble. Its like the wet half of a chorus effect only its not really a sine wave, seems kinda like an oblong wave pattern just like the chorus mode. I think I may have spent 2 minutes total in my whole life on the vibe mode in a UV pedal. actually :30 if you take away all the times I turn the pedal on and dont realize it was accidentally switched to vibe mode and say to myself 'WTF is going on here, it sounds like... Oh shit its on vibe... OK.'

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:57 pm
by basile865
messed up, see post below

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:00 pm
by basile865
I dont know if Im getting across the right part but I dont think its the UV vibrato at all IMO.

The effect first appears at 13/14 seconds and he does some sliding things.

Listen to that muted slide thing he does at around 23 seconds. Goes from high slided down to the low and it sounds weird when it reaches the lower part like a space ship or something. The effect is really hot and highly touch sensitive, you can hear every movement of his hand even if a sound isnt intentionally strum on the string, if that makes sense.

Theres no warble or anything Ive ever heard a univibe vibrato or any vibrato do. Right after that he does a lead melody with the effect on. Its sortve fuzzy, subdued to the backround.

Im not sure if its the same effect, it sounds slightly different than the one in the beginning but it seems to come back in his lead melody from 3:28-4:06, I think its the same effect just mic'd differently. I dont mean those really cool supporting chords but those single string melodys. If you scroll back to 14 seconds though and that slide at 23 seconds it sounds a little different.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:33 pm
by carlygtr56
It's pick slides and scratching sounds thru a Leslie. That whole left hand side guitar track, IMO is thru a Leslie.