Best Wah for Hendrix available today?

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Best Wah for Hendrix available today?

Post by theactor19 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:04 am

Which wah (that is available today, not vintage) does the hendrix wah tone best?

I currently have a teese picture wah, but its not exactly right. It is very good though.

Here is a clip of hendrix using the wah in a live performance to give an idea of that tone I'm after, which I feel is more of a warm, darker kind of wah, rather then one that is thin/trebley:" onclick=";return false; - Tone Tips, Pedal Reviews, Amp Reviews, Guitar Reviews. Helping you get amazing tone.

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Re: Best Wah for Hendrix available today?

Post by JimiJames » Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:11 am

Yes ! That Teese is a very good wah. Especially the Pic.
What exactly don't you like. Yes it's a touchy pedal to get it to sound right with your gear, but one has to keep in mind that there are several types of wha's. A humbucker wah, a singlecoil wah, and a neck position wah.
This is how I target what wah to use for a particular song and/or guitar and why I have 3 on my pedalboard.

Anyway I hear good things about the RM vision.(Many variables)
I'm jonesing to hear the new V846ri ! :drool:
I use 2 VOX's V847/8 and a Thomas Organ CB w/TDK

Here's a '69 Metro SL plugged into Vol II through a Marshall Jimi-Bottom w/G12C's/ '69 Strat ri at low volume setting for this demo.
Wha's also tend to react differently LOUD ! :D

VOX wah-wah" onclick=";return false; - Video" onclick=";return false; - Audio
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Re: Best Wah for Hendrix available today?

Post by mike43202 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:41 pm

I've got a Roger Mayer 9090A wah with the dial on the side that lets you choose the wah range, so if you want it darker you can set it darker. You buy this as a replacement board and install it into an existing wah shell. I bought mine for 80 bucks, probably because somebody installed it incorrectly so I fixed it. It is a good and useful wah.

Dunlop makes a wah with a dial on the side as well to select your wah range, the 535Q. I haven't tried it myself, but that could give you more ranges to play with.

I've also got a Dan-o-Wah ... the one that looks like a car from the 50's ... it has 6 different wah voicings available. I find that this wah is actually a very good performer and does what it is supposed to do with a strong wah sound that is trouble free. (You just have to make sure not to accidentally step on the fuzz button ... it has a ferocious octave fuzz built in that is very loud (its volume can't be dialed back either) and the fuzz is similar to either a Tone Machine or a SuperFuzz.) It's not a vintage style wah, however, so if you are looking for some oscillation between a vintage wah and a vintage fuzz face (which requires no buffers between the two) then this one probably won't get you there. Fun little toy though. I actually found its wah sounds the most useful of any others I had tried, believe it or not.

Anyway, if you want the lower range lower and the higher range lower, can't you just open up your wah and adjust the toothy stick relative to the toothy round bit on the pot to lower the overall range?

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Re: Best Wah for Hendrix available today?

Post by julkke » Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:45 am

Wahs are super easy to tweak and mod too if you are into that kind of stuff.

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Re: Best Wah for Hendrix available today?

Post by Xplorer » Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:43 am

i think that this wah sounded more "trebly/thin" as you said, because the amp was set this way, and the recording adds to it.
just hear the tone right in the beginning, before he kicks the wah in. it depends of the amp a lot i'd say.
+ he uses a fuzz with it.

with a simple old dunlop wah and a good playing it's probably good enough. it was my first wah, and i kept it. it's not aggressive like for example the V847. closer to the softness of the italian V846 i have, and i can't complain about it.
+ you can mod any enclosure with some area 51 kits or something, or others ... and as someone said, it's easyly tweakable, in the hendrixy way, V846.
if it isn't his usual V846 in this video, i don't know what it is then ... ? sounding "thinner" than usual, more trebly, but the wah didn't change, it's still the same. you must look at the amp, the recording, the other settings ... the pickup used ...

for some totaly different territorys, working in the overdrive, the snarlind dog whine o' wah is a lot of fun. but it isn't quite hendrixy. Jeff Beck uses it a lot.

yeah, i'd like to try the RM vision wah too, it should be a cool toy !

my own favourite wah tone is either the studio "burning of the midnight lamp", or the fuzz/wah tone in power to love. or voodoo child too, studio, always magic." onclick=";return false;

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