Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

His guitar slung across his back, his dusty boots is his cadillac.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Tone seaker » Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:56 am

daveweyer wrote:Tone, Like I said, you can't prove anything with a negative. Why not contribute to the forum in a positive way? Ya know, bring something to the table that helps the readers further their quest to get Jimi's sound instead of bashing me.
Those folks who added the mods I suggested have gotten extremely close to Jimi's sound, but you can't show the forum readers that you have. They have positive proof worked out with their own effort and devotion. You don't.
Suggesting that you have the real story because you read something that Kramer said is laughable to anybody who worked closely with Jimi on any aspect of his career. Kramer had no idea what the real story was behind the Tele neck we put on Jimi's Strat for instance. But that is a real story with positive proof.
It's just sour grapes from you, why not turn it around with some positive contributions that really bring some new information to the table? I know everyone here would gladly embrace that.
Go ahead call the guy that is the Real Deal Eddie Kramer a joke :shock: .Im sure you think Roger Mayer was a idiot also and had nothing to do with Jimi's sound :shock: I have contributed heavily to this forum with pictures you have not. No one here has shown that they are close to jimi's sound either only said they are. Calling my evidence laughable is discusting and you want people to believe you. Just like they believe you can rember what Hendrix set his amp on from walking by at a concert, not writing it down but from meomory telling it 45 years latter :shock: The tele neck in all the photos is not Jimi's he borrowed it from the guitar player in The Buddy Miles Experss at Newport. That is Fact. You insult Carly also he is super knolegle about Hendrix and yet you got your buddies to run him off when he challenged you. Its not sour grapes to me you just cant stand being called out and ask for proof which you NEVER provide, you now got your buddy claiming for the first time he learned to play on Hendrix's guitar (like that is believable) only because you guys are cornered :D

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by neikeel » Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:26 pm


If this debate had all the name calling and cattiness removed it could be quite interesting, but for now I think I will just move on (the typing and grammar leaves a lot to be desired too :scratch: ).

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by daveweyer » Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:16 pm

Well wrong again, sorry. Like I said why not provide some proof of your own? Do you expect everyone on the forum to drop what they are doing and provide proof for you so you will be happy? Why should they, they are busy making their own history and have enough confidence in me, West Coast, Neal Moser, Bob Hovland, and Guitar Player Magazine among others to, go ahead and try it for themselves to see if the sound of these mods get them closer to Jimi's sound. And the answer is positive.
You are just peddling a bunch of mythology. I received Jimi's Strat with the neck broken off, and John Wright brought it in. Neal put the Tele neck on after grinding out the necessary material, after we had called Fender and found out they had no Strat necks made. I supervised, and the guitar was ready for a concert the next day.
That my friend is the fact, just like all the others you can't accept.
Please, make some independent calls and find out for yourself instead of relying on Kramer's story, and let this naysaying stuff make way for some positive movement on the forum.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Tone seaker » Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:11 pm

Lets see a pic of that strat with the experience and not at newport. Didnt think so. If you do a search for Hedrix white strat with tele neck you only see the neport pictues where it was a boorowed guitar from the Buddy Miles express that he was sitting in with, NOT the experience. It is never seen with Hendrix again because it was a borrowed guitar. But you say Kramer is lying about that and we should believe you :roll:

I did provide proof with picyures of the inside of his amps with no back showing EL34's and close up of the white strats neck with no notch. Where is your proof. if you would just give hard evidence as proof i would acept it. Also saying Kramer does not know anything only hurts you. He is the world know authority on Hendrix and rightfully so considering he spent a mountain of time with Hendrix where as you very little im sure if at all.

Lets get positive and stop insulting any one who doubts you.

You know you just assume im some idiot but i have been a professional musician for 40 years and toured all over the planet. im not some living room guitar player like you seem to assume. When it come to Hendrix my musical Idol i want proof and other people do also before changing every thing they have known for the last 50 years

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by daveweyer » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:18 pm

Okay Tone, let's do it like this:
You go ahead and believe whatever you want, Kramer and all his stories, and all the rest. Just allow the rest of the less doubtful on the forum to live and learn according to their own perceptions and reasoning ability.
If they want to reject what I say out of hand, then let them come to the conclusion on their own, not because you are constantly maligning me as some sort of fantastic bullshit artist who just made all these stories up in order to destroy your mythology of 50 years.
These gentle readers deserve at least that much from you, and so do I.
As good evidence shows up, I'll post it. Please also remember the old adage, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Tone seaker » Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:30 pm

daveweyer wrote:Okay Tone, let's do it like this:
You go ahead and believe whatever you want, Kramer and all his stories, and all the rest. Just allow the rest of the less doubtful on the forum to live and learn according to their own perceptions and reasoning ability.
If they want to reject what I say out of hand, then let them come to the conclusion on their own, not because you are constantly maligning me as some sort of fantastic bullshit artist who just made all these stories up in order to destroy your mythology of 50 years.
These gentle readers deserve at least that much from you, and so do I.
As good evidence shows up, I'll post it. Please also remember the old adage, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".
They deserve the truth not to be misled. Kramer is proven undeniable to be working with Hendrix closly 90+% of the time and you come out of the woodwork 45 years latter and say Kramer doesnt know any thing and you know all even though you were on the west coast where Hendrix rarley was because he lived in NYC. The readers deserve evidence if your going to change every thing they have known Hendrix for 45 years so show some dont just keep putting this stuff out with no evidence. You have taken a fact that some of Hendrix's amps were sent to West Coast to be set up for his tour in 69 and turned it into this giant thing with no proof saying he was there all the time and liked this and that and you did all these mods changing every thing Roger Mayer did. :shock:

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Xplorer » Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:19 pm

as you said, toneseaker ( and you'll obviously never find ... the tone ... ) , we deserve the truth ! let us make our own opinion on what Dave says, please, and what you bring here is the super narrow Google truth, and marketing truth. it is not THE truth. of course, none who followed these myths got right, using an el34 SL and the axis fuzz from Roger mayer :) etc etc ...
but if it pleases you to stick to this and engrave it in the marble like a constitution, please do so for yourself, but not for us. we don't need your crusade. We decently can't satisfy ourselves with so little. and we of course know all these storys already.
now if you can agree, we noted your opinion, you've displayed it so many times, "all of this is BS" ... got it ... so let's move on, thank you, thanks to let us tell BS, that's our freedom after all, right ? we have the right to be wrong and misled i guess. don't worry, don't panic, we're grown ups ....... and yelling your truth once more won't change our approach, i think it's more or less what peoples think here right ? someone correct me if i'm wrong.
Kramer is proven undeniable to be working with Hendrix closly 90+% of the time
..... we of course know that he intensively helped Jimi to record his ideas and albums and lives, but hearing you it even got to the point where Eddie kramer heat his solder gun and had fun building fuzz and amp mods ...
i'd like to see this somewhere ...

and i don't believe roger ever said he was the only one to have ever build fuzz and stuffs for him. octavia yes , he was the only one, but well ... i also never saw anything related to roger mayer claiming he modded jimi's amps and speakers etc etc ... i'd like to see this somewhere, please.
and you did all these mods changing every thing Roger Mayer did. :shock:
YOU say this, Dave never said that, or please show it.

i also believe that we can discuss Hendrix on another mode than "need evidence ! you can't handle the truth !!" ... etc etc
or 95% of Hendrix history will be missed since it'll never be possible to proove everything.
we're forced at some point to gather what's potentialy true here and there, as grown ups who don't need your caution, and sometimes ( but you didn't experiment it on your own so you can't even talk about it ) , it's just perfect and pleases your ears so much. you should try sometime ...

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Tone seaker » Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:35 pm

Xplorer wrote:as you said, toneseaker ( and you'll obviously never find ... the tone ... ) , we deserve the truth ! let us make our own opinion on what Dave says, please, and what you bring here is the super narrow Google truth, and marketing truth. it is not THE truth. of course, none who followed these myths got right, using an el34 SL and the axis fuzz from Roger mayer :) etc etc ...
but if it pleases you to stick to this and engrave it in the marble like a constitution, please do so for yourself, but not for us. we don't need your crusade. We decently can't satisfy ourselves with so little. and we of course know all these storys already.
now if you can agree, we noted your opinion, you've displayed it so many times, "all of this is BS" ... got it ... so let's move on, thank you, thanks to let us tell BS, that's our freedom after all, right ? we have the right to be wrong and misled i guess. don't worry, don't panic, we're grown ups ....... and yelling your truth once more won't change our approach, i think it's more or less what peoples think here right ? someone correct me if i'm wrong.
Kramer is proven undeniable to be working with Hendrix closly 90+% of the time
..... we of course know that he intensively helped Jimi to record his ideas and albums and lives, but hearing you it even got to the point where Eddie kramer heat his solder gun and had fun building fuzz and amp mods ...
i'd like to see this somewhere ...

and i don't believe roger ever said he was the only one to have ever build fuzz and stuffs for him. octavia yes , he was the only one, but well ... i also never saw anything related to roger mayer claiming he modded jimi's amps and speakers etc etc ... i'd like to see this somewhere, please.
and you did all these mods changing every thing Roger Mayer did. :shock:
YOU say this, Dave never said that, or please show it.

i also believe that we can discuss Hendrix on another mode than "need evidence ! you can't handle the truth !!" ... etc etc
or 95% of Hendrix history will be missed since it'll never be possible to proove everything.
we're forced at some point to gather what's potentialy true here and there, as grown ups who don't need your caution, and sometimes ( but you didn't experiment it on your own so you can't even talk about it ) , it's just perfect and pleases your ears so much. you should try sometime ...
Part of the problem is Dave openly says calls Kramer a liar. And you have to insult me saying i will never have the tone. Well i do have great tone as i am constanly complimented on it at live shows. Go ahead and let some one come along 45 years after Jimi's death and discredit Kramer. Dave keeps comming up with story after story about Jimi and his gear that have never been heard and you believe it. The 6550's then the Guild amp which i personaly own one and it a pile of crap that i dont believe for a second Jimi would own, then the fm tube modulator and the notches that are not there. Doesnt it seem like he got you to believe the 6550 tube mod and then just kept going stroking his ego adding more and more to his story just to make him some one famous especialy since he has a audience making it sound like Jimi was at West Coast all the time when we know he was there very little and lived in NYC. But go ahead and let him stroke his ego and be gullible.

To address you quote about Roger Mayer Dave openly says he modded Jimi's Whas and fuzz faces when we know Roger Mayer did all that. There was even a huge thread on it i believe or many pages in one about all the mods he did to the Fuzz Face's that were moded by Roger Mayer whith Jimi closely working with Roger but yet Dave says he was not happpy with the Fuzz's and wanted Dave to re mod Rogers mods. How gullible are you. Go ahead believe Dave over Roger Mayer,

How in the world can you believe a guy that comes along 45 years after the fact caliming all this with no proff over the PROVEN people that worked with Jimi. Roger Mayer and Eddie Kramer. How about lets see a picture or any evidence Dave ever met Jimi

This forum was great for years with people trying this and that and discussing it but now its the Dave forum

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Xplorer » Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:58 pm

so Dave said Kramer is a liar ? where ?
i just tease you saying you'll never have jimi's later tone, since you'll never try it because it's dave's mod.

you're trying to do a caricature but it's a pity. Dave doesn't change what has been said these last 45 years, he only completes it. not only rogr mayer and eddie kramer were involved you know ?
it's everyone's forum, Dave did plenty things but it doesn't forbid us to talk about jimi ... YOU block that yourself. it's more about you and your opinion that it's BS.
Jimi didn't need to be in the west coast all the time to have some stuffs done sometimes by Dave, your caricature is laughable, i think. all you do is : "i doubt it happend, i think it didn't happend, what's shown even with the JH EXP stencils or even with the right sound is fake , there's no evidence, i owned a guild amp which sounded crap so hendrix never had one, ( hendrix used it as a fuzz ) hence >>> it's a proof and never happend." this really isn't serious ...
sorry, it can't be a definitive conclusion despite your desire that it should be, and you can't go very far with this method.

but your opinion has once more been noted, even if we already knew.
To address you quote about Roger Mayer Dave openly says he modded Jimi's Whas and fuzz faces when we know Roger Mayer did all that. There was even a huge thread on it i believe or many pages in one about all the mods he did to the Fuzz Face's that were moded by Roger Mayer whith Jimi closely working with Roger but yet Dave says he was not happpy with the Fuzz's and wanted Dave to re mod Rogers mods. How gullible are you. Go ahead believe Dave over Roger Mayer,
Roger never said he was the only one to mod some fuzz and wahs, for jimi, or again ... please show it.
Dave never said he did all the work of roger again, YOU say that to transform what has been said and attempt to lead the reality in your direction.

if by chance roger mayer could be contacted and talk with Dave or shime in to recognize what happened back then, it could probably help, and it would surely be interesting.
i know i discussed a bit with roger sometimes, so why not Roger talking with Dave.
BUT, Roger makes his business on the idea that he was jimi's fuzz and effects tech so recognizing that some others did isn't guaranteed ...
anyway, again, i think you'll recognize that roger mayer never claimed he modded jimi's amps. marshall didn't too. eddie kramer didn't too. his roadies didn't talk about it too.
How about lets see a picture or any evidence Dave ever met Jimi
so if nobody took a selfie back then, it's a proof that it didn't happend ? are you serious ? that's not a way to proceed.
for example, Jimi and miles davis met but ... there's no picture of it. but it's still true or not, because we believe it or not. it's been said and claimed, that's all. same for jimi and gilmour, but it did happend.
there's just ONE picture of jimi and roger mayer, that's already a lot.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Tone seaker » Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:42 pm

Xplorer wrote:so Dave said Kramer is a liar ? where ?
i just tease you saying you'll never have jimi's later tone, since you'll never try it because it's dave's mod.

you're trying to do a caricature but it's a pity. Dave doesn't change what has been said these last 45 years, he only completes it. not only rogr mayer and eddie kramer were involved you know ?
it's everyone's forum, Dave did plenty things but it doesn't forbid us to talk about jimi ... YOU block that yourself. it's more about you and your opinion that it's BS.
Jimi didn't need to be in the west coast all the time to have some stuffs done sometimes by Dave, your caricature is laughable, i think. all you do is : "i doubt it happend, i think it didn't happend, what's shown even with the JH EXP stencils or even with the right sound is fake , there's no evidence, i owned a guild amp which sounded crap so hendrix never had one, ( hendrix used it as a fuzz ) hence >>> it's a proof and never happend." this really isn't serious ...
sorry, it can't be a definitive conclusion despite your desire that it should be, and you can't go very far with this method.

but your opinion has once more been noted, even if we already knew.
To address you quote about Roger Mayer Dave openly says he modded Jimi's Whas and fuzz faces when we know Roger Mayer did all that. There was even a huge thread on it i believe or many pages in one about all the mods he did to the Fuzz Face's that were moded by Roger Mayer whith Jimi closely working with Roger but yet Dave says he was not happpy with the Fuzz's and wanted Dave to re mod Rogers mods. How gullible are you. Go ahead believe Dave over Roger Mayer,
Roger never said he was the only one to mod some fuzz and wahs, for jimi, or again ... please show it.
Dave never said he did all the work of roger again, YOU say that to transform what has been said and attempt to lead the reality in your direction.

if by chance roger mayer could be contacted and talk with Dave or shime in to recognize what happened back then, it could probably help, and it would surely be interesting.
i know i discussed a bit with roger sometimes, so why not Roger talking with Dave.
BUT, Roger makes his business on the idea that he was jimi's fuzz and effects tech so recognizing that some others did isn't guaranteed ...
anyway, again, i think you'll recognize that roger mayer never claimed he modded jimi's amps. marshall didn't too. eddie kramer didn't too. his roadies didn't talk about it too.
How about lets see a picture or any evidence Dave ever met Jimi
so if nobody took a selfie back then, it's a proof that it didn't happend ? are you serious ? that's not a way to proceed.
for example, Jimi and miles davis met but ... there's no picture of it. but it's still true or not, because we believe it or not. it's been said and claimed, that's all. same for jimi and gilmour, but it did happend.
there's just ONE picture of jimi and roger mayer, that's already a lot.
I can see your really bent now with the inults at me. Cant put out any thing substancial. If you read back just a few pages where Dave talks about the Tele Neck he calls Kramer a liar. That is plain offensive. He has done it in another post on the same topic, READ UP BEFORE YOU ACCUSE you are so duped by dave you make me laugh. Now you just insult me. Dave just now came out on a forum saying all this crap. Yes he claims he did in 93 for a magazine but wont provide proof. Hendrix worked hand in hand with Roger about modifying his pedals why would he go some where else to remod instead of going to Roger. Roger came out on tour a lot also. OPEN YOUR EYES.
daveweyer wrote: Kramer had no idea what the real story was behind the Tele neck we put on Jimi's Strat for instance.
I posted that Kramer said in his book the Tele neck was borrowed and here is dave calling him a liar. If you read back farther on a diffent topic he gets real ugly about it.

Roger never claimed he modded Jimi's amps but there is no proof they were modded only DAves word and i provided pictures of several 69-70 amps with EL34's in them not 6550's. I have ask over and over again for dave to provide picture proof which he cant. This is such a important issue about tone we should except nothing less than solid proof not some ones word
Last edited by Tone seaker on Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Xplorer » Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:49 pm

calm down ;) you're safe here.
you can find this interview on the web easily.

well i don't call that naming someone a liar ... of course eddie who was a sound engineer may have no idea of the story behind the tele neck, it's perfectly understandable.
and can you quote what eddie kramer said ?
Roger never claimed he modded Jimi's amps but there is no proof they were modded only DAves word and i provided pictures of several 69-70 amps with EL34's in them not 6550's. I have ask over and over again for dave to provide picture proof which he cant. This is such a important issue about tone we should except nothing less than solid proof not some ones word
you'll accuse me to insult you but honestly to me this is a 10 years old kid argumentation.

- in 45 years .. it's easy to swap tubes.
- please stop with the picture argument. let's imagine that we're talking about a pre photographic event, let's say Mozart ...
because toneseaker, you won't have pictures for everything, you have to stop using this argument to brag free accusations. it's not because a claim has no pictures to help that the claim is false. or ask roger mayer some pictures about his prototypes ...
and it's not because someone doesn't have pictures that he doesn't have the right to speak.
Last edited by Xplorer on Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Tone seaker » Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:51 pm

Xplorer wrote:calm down ;) you're safe here.
you can find this interview on the web easily.

well i don't call that naming someone a liar ... of course eddie who was a sound engineer may have no idea of the story behind the tele neck, it's perfectly understandable.
and can you quote what eddie kramer said ?
you calm down son im fine. Why would Eddie lie and how would you know what he knew

I have said this and will repeat it. Hendrix's amps are a investment and eveyone that bought one knows that so why would they devalue it and changes the tubes from 6550's to EL34's Not just one but every one that owns a Hendrix amp. I see you edited you statement and call me a kid :lol: its a legit argument to want proof for something this important Grow up and drop the insults son
Last edited by Tone seaker on Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Xplorer » Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:00 pm

you calm down son im fine. Why would Eddie lie and how would you know what he knew
daveweyer wrote:
Kramer had no idea what the real story was behind the Tele neck we put on Jimi's Strat for instance.
again, how is that calling eddie a liar ? eddie kramer ( still waiting for the quote from him ) had to be involved technicaly with jimi's gears and electronic ? dave said eddie had no idea what was the story behind the tele neck, i can understand that.
please stop twisting the reality and play the victims, or it can't be a honest discussion, thank you.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Xplorer » Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:02 pm

I have said this and will repeat it. Hendrix's amps are a investment and eveyone that bought one knows that so why would they devalue it and changes the tubes from 6550's to EL34's Not just one but every one that owns a Hendrix amp.
that's pure conjecture based on void.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock Stratocaster

Post by Tone seaker » Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:04 pm

Xplorer wrote:
you calm down son im fine. Why would Eddie lie and how would you know what he knew
daveweyer wrote:
Kramer had no idea what the real story was behind the Tele neck we put on Jimi's Strat for instance.
again, how is that calling eddie a liar ? eddie kramer ( still waiting for the quote from him ) had to be involved technicaly with jimi's gears and electronic ? dave said eddie had no idea what was the story behind the tele neck, i can understand that.
please stop twisting the reality and play the victims, or it can't be a honest discussion, thank you.
Maybe Jimi told Eddie it was borrowed or Eddie was there. Dave provides no proof. your the one believing this twisted tale not me. Its amazing you want no hard evidence on something as important as Jimi's tone and take some ones word that has no proof they ever met Jimi :shock:

The last two post you made dont even make sinse

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