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Re: Need Help! 50w kit

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:51 am
by micahnix1
I did neikeel, and sorry for not replying. I do have the 470ohm there. I realized that I had forgotten to ground the presence cap to the back of the pot, and when I did all of my v3 voltages were correct.

Re: Need Help! 50w kit

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:28 pm
by danman
If pin 1 made a "pop", it would appear that the circuit is functioning properly after v1. Does the "pop" get louder if you increase the volume? If so, then the circuit is functioning properly from v1 to the speakers. This could likely point to a problem between the input jack and v1. Give the input jack a thorough inspection. There are switching contacts on the Cliff jacks that can give you problems if they are dirty or slightly bent. Wiring mistakes at the jack are also a common problem in new builds. If you have a new jack it may be worth your time to replace the current one to see if it's the problem.

Re: Need Help! 50w kit

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:47 pm
by micahnix1
I had a couple of extra jacks laying around so I wired those up and replaced the ones that were suspect. Still have the same thing going on.
I spoke to the amp guy in town and hecsaid he'd be glad to take a look. I'm going to run it by his shop on Tuesday when he opens back up.
I appreciate all the help and recommendations, and I'll let you know what the problem was as soon as I get a diagnosis!

Re: Need Help! 50w kit

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:20 pm
by danman
Please let us know what he finds. It may help someone else in the future.

Re: Need Help! 50w kit

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:11 pm
by micahnix1
Here's something weird. After a couple weeks of frustration trying to get this thing to work properly at home, I decided to take it to my bands practice space just for kicks. I plugged into my power conditioner, and lo and behold, the amp works perfectly!
This morning I finally got to go to the local amp guy, and he was nice enough to look through it with me. He couldn't find a thing wrong with it. So the diagnosis must be that my power at home is dirty! My other amps are pick up more noise than normal at home, but all work just fine. I don't understand why just the bright channel wouldn't work on my build, while the normal channel does fine. Even the amp tech said, "That's weird as s***."

So there it is, I have a fine sounding 1970s spec 50w super lead...just not at home! Now on to building the box for it.
Thank you for all your help!