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Temporary hiatus from replica amps

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:31 pm
by VelvetGeorge
I need to make a statement regarding Metropoulos replica amps. As the Metro-Plex has demanded all of my time, energy and resources.....replica amp builds have fallen way behind. I have orders here that are 6...8....10 months old, with no solid ETA to deliver. I have never been this far behind on so many orders at once. It's causing me much anxiety.
I will start building a new work area in the basement of my home this weekend. That will allow me to spend time in the evenings working on these amps. A luxury I haven't had since moving out of the shop last October.
I am going to stop taking replica amp orders until I can start building them consistently again. It should not cause me anxiety to take these orders. It should be gratifying and an honor to build an amp for those who come to me for the best replica available.
I don't think it's fair to you or myself to quote one year lead time on these amps. I'm not comfortable with it personally. If it takes that long then my priorities and obligations clearly lie elsewhere.
Better to suspend this for now, until replica amps are a priority and a pleasure once again.
I'll get going at home soon and fill the existing orders. I'm all in on the Metro-Plex and hopefully a new, smaller version in the near future. It makes sense to devote 100% to these right now and see what the future holds for Metropoulos Amplification.
I have to make solid business decisions and remember to not run myself into the ground try to be all things at all times. It's much healthier to choose my pursuits carefully and give them 100%.
Those of you with replica amp orders currently. please know that I will be starting your builds soon and will send updates of my progress. If you are reconsidering your order, I understand and regretfully will refund your down payment.

Re: Temporary hiatus from replica amps

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:29 pm
by chrisom
No prob George- Gotta do what'cha gotta do. We stand behind you and your great work on all our behalfs. Peace :thumbsup: :rock: