Bluesbreaker RI Board install...sounds bad?

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Bluesbreaker RI Board install...sounds bad?

Post by glp » Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:50 am

I understand this might be an OLD issue, but I accepted a task from a friend who has had the board populated by another friend (based on original layouts given me). I finished the board and at some point found a newer layout titled REV 3. Following it I wired it up and installed. Well the amp fired up on first try (cool). BUT it sounds very constricted when you turn the volume up. Low power and ugly crackly distortion.
Now I can't seem to find any reference here to the BBRI stuff..... ?
Voltages are:

Pin 1 2 3 6 7 8

V1 194 1.5 202 1.5
V2 202 1 292 5
V3 209 23.5 39 199 24 39
Leaving the Trem tube out for this discussion....

6L6 3 4 5 6

V4/V5 414 414 -42.5 414

Comments appreciated and a pointer to the old info on this build also appreciated.

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