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!2 series modded

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:25 pm
by Jeremy1283
Hello all.
I am trying to mod my amp. I built a 12 series a few years ago but I would like to add more gain. I have it wired to a 2203 with a ppimv. How can I achieve more gain then I have.. I feel stuck.
Where are the points I can learn to tweak in the pre amp section?
A bit confused

Re: !2 series modded

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:10 am
by neikeel
Easiest way at first is to lower the value of the 10k resistor on V1a to 5k6 or 4k7 that helps. You could then raise teh plate resistor on the V1b to 120k or 150k. Contemplate a bypass cap over V1a resistor (the 4k7 or 5k6) eg 0.1 or 0.22uF some experimentation is needed for your ears.

There are other more radical ways (eg tone stack as extra gain stage).

Somewhere there are threads re this, you just may need to search!

Re: !2 series modded

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:37 pm
by Jeremy1283
Thank you for the reply neikeel. So far i have lowered the value on v1a to 2.2k and capped v1b with a .68u.
I think i will need to add a tube. What is tone stacking and how do i learn about it?

Re: !2 series modded

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:24 pm
by rockgod212
first off, whats the point in wiring a '68 12 series to 2203 specs? to get more gain on a 12 series just use any good overdrive pedal. build ya a tone bender.