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Minimal voltage for some capacitors in a Plexi 1987

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 7:25 pm
by Old_Iron
Hello guys,

I'm slowly building two amplifiers at the same time for myself, a JTM45 and a 69/70 specs Plexi 1987.

In both projects I'm having trouble to find some capacitors (new old stock or Russians) in the correct range of voltage.

So my question is, can I use these capacitors (voltages) at these places?:

Plexi 1987 = the "get rid of the fizzies" 47pF phase inverter cap = 250V

Plexi 1987 = bias circuit two 10uF electrolytics caps = 90V

JTM45 = preamp high voltage filter board cap 16uF = 350V

The JTM45 will be a "period correct-ish" amp, but the Plexi will be an experimental amp, with military russians pio, silver mica and tantalum caps, all soviet era caps at the board, so that's why I'm having trouble to source them out.

Thank you very much in advance.