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Is Pay Pal taking cues from the bad guys?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:40 pm
by Lefty Lou
Pay Pal needs to be on everyone's "Shit List" as they've gotten so ballsy that they are now holding seller money for extended amounts of time, limiting how much you can draw out of your own Pay Pal account and either (lying/mis-informing/omitting) information to their customers. The last time I tried to pay for an item from a Pay Pal client, I was asked to pay a fee?

I had been a customer of eBay and Pay Pal for about 10 years. One day I get a message from Pay Pal stating that I couldn't transact any more business through Pay Pal because I had hit the $10K expenditure mark, and they required my bank's routing numbers. Being that I remembered a conversation with a lady at a tag agency, wherein someone had hacked her Pal Pal account to the tune of $20K to purchase a quarter horse, subsequently the authorities came looking for her to locate said quarter horse. My bank routing information, yeah right.

As of present I've been looking for work and am trying to keep my head above water by selling items. I have a business credit card through my dad's old business (for which I can reimburse him with cash if needs be). I don't and won't have a bank account until I get a job lined out. I have never had any complaints on eBay from buyers/sellers for any transaction I've ever completed. So, it was my decision to give eBay and Pay Pal another chance but have found that their policies have even become MORE (prohibitive/restrictive) than ever before especially to sellers. I heard of a music store dealer who lost a very expensive PRS guitar who was not protected by eBay OR Pay Pal.

I was mis-informed that Pay Pay does not include seller shipping fees as part of Pay Pal's 2.9% + .30 cent transaction fee. I was mis-informed that it takes one to two weeks to receive a check from Pay Pal when a Pay Pal agent said the check was going out on 10/14/13. Pay Pal sits on your money as long as they can and longer (just check out their new Restrictions) and they gain ungodly amounts of interest by sitting on YOUR money (just like the banks). Can you imagine how big ticket item sellers feel when they're told that they'll have to wait maybe (3) weeks or longer while a buyer uses the seller's (product/auction item) only to have a chargeback or some claim made against the seller?

I'm starting to see a lot more eBay seller horror stories in the headlines which only seem to be increasing exponentially. The fact that eBay and Pay Pal are both owned by the same woman and required for transactions of any kind on eBay are what is called a "Monopoly" and are a definite conflict of interest to both buyers and sellers (mostly sellers). No wonder everyone is seeking alternate options for buying and selling goods. It's my sincere hope that eBay and Pay Pal BOTH go by way of (the Great White Buffalo/the Great White Whale) in other words become extinct in lieu of more reasonable businesses that do not practice monopolization, monetary control, and stranglehold fees. Has anyone ever asked the question if eBay or Pay Pal is "mobbed up"? It would sure seem that way, and would be a good preface question seeing as how these two companies conduct business which are parallel with the mob.

Re: Is Pay Pal taking cues from the bad guys?

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:26 am
by somethin'else
Yep, I think ebay & pp are 1-in-the-same company now?

It's all about their percentage cuts and holding money interest growth, at the inconvenience of customer cash flow.

It's why they offer credit cards.


I mean, sure, part of their fees cover protection, but that's what shipping insurance is for.

Re: Is Pay Pal taking cues from the bad guys?

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:29 pm
by Lefty Lou
I hope their business drops off to a big zero.