Let's keep it civil please.

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Let's keep it civil please.

Post by mightymike » Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:35 pm

If you like one brand, over another or visa versa, Greenbacks verses Blackbacks Celestians, Scumback, Webber, Mojo, or whatever feel free to say what you like, and dislike. For example. I like Mullards more than JJ's. DUH! What we need to keep out of here is the fights, an accusations of illegal activity. It just drags the spirit of this place down.

There's nothing wrong with a strong debate, but when it attacks each other's character it is going to far.

So share what you like, and dislike so others can use that in their pursuit of tone.

Thank you for your cooperation..

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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by Coot Boy » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:35 pm

I was reading that thread and when I went to page 2 I was denied access to the other two pages, then soon after the thread was gone. It was only the most entertainment I've had around here for ages :palm:

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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by BoogieEngineer » Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:11 am

I was the OP of the thread. I didn't by all means mean to lead the thread in that direction. For the records I didn't say a single bad thing about those speakers either, in fact I am loving them both. I tried to cool people down but they just wouldn't come to their sense. It wasn't about speakers per se, but legal issues and misunderstandings and whatnot, that are meant to discussed privately between the two parties.

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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by mightymike » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:36 pm

I think it was best that it was taken down. I thought about leaving the first page up, before it got nasty it was informative. Up till then it was just people sharing their preferred speaker, and why they liked it over another. If I did that it would have looked like I was taking sides or singleing people out.

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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by scooter.thomas » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:54 pm

Well, for my part I first responded to innuendo. My post was snarky, but the innuendo was gratuitous and snide.

My second post was precisely as you outlined: a value statement stating only my opinion, where two competing products differ, IMHO, only in price. My post was trolled -- yet again -- and the rest is history.

I think part of the problem is arbitrary moderation. I see posts and actions that seem to not comport with the rules but go uncorrected. It's ironic that my efforts at challenging the snide, mocking and disparaging innuendo is actually a sort of proxy moderation. On the other hand, I enjoy Metro because it's not like TGP.

I will continue to challenge the spurious innuendo until such time as I am disallowed.

For what I hope may be the last time, I have NO AFFILIATION with ANYONE. My words and actions are my own. Where I've been shown, in the past, to be incorrect or misguided I've dutifully fallen on my sword.
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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by Scumback Speakers » Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:27 pm

scooter.thomas wrote:My post was snarky, but the innuendo was gratuitous and snide. For what I hope may be the last time, I have NO AFFILIATION with ANYONE. My words and actions are my own. Where I've been shown, in the past, to be incorrect or misguided I've dutifully fallen on my sword.
Scooter...FACT: you've got 16 visible posts. 13 of them are promoting Weber Legacies over my speakers or naysaying Scumbacks with derogatory remarks based on unsupported and unsubstantiated facts. This is probably due to your regular appearances on the Weber board where the truth is not known. 3 of your posts are regarding JTM 45's or something other than speakers. Do you really say you're unaffiliated and unbiased? Please.

You report to the Weber board about what's said here, I've seen it, you've mentioned me in one of your posts about what I told you here. Go home, would ya? If it hadn't been for your comment, that thread yesterday wouldn't have turned the way it did. Be a man, own up to what you did and quit trying to be innocent. I don't think anyone's buying it.
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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by scooter.thomas » Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:51 pm

I see you're still struggling with common vs. proper nouns. Here's the rule:

When a common noun is used as a product name, it becomes a proper noun. To form the plural of a proper noun, add s.

You are correct. I have enjoyed the Weber forum for many years. Anyone can go there, as you curiously do, and review my posts. It is also true that I believe Legacys are a better value than Scumbacks.

Do you really think highlighting that you troll me helps your image? It's creepy.

EDIT: Where I referred to innuendo, I wasn't referring to you but rather the post that alluded to "so much garbage coming out of Weber." Had I been referring to you I would have used terms like "belligerent" and "naked insecurity."

2nd EDIT: We could do this on your forum, if scumback had a forum. But you prefer staking out other folks' forums as your own personal turf. Sadly, forum owners seem willing to let you do that.
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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by Scumback Speakers » Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:23 pm

I note that you didn't deny that you report back to Weber. I rest my case. I don't troll you, scooter. You referred to me on the Weber board by innuendo (oh gee...) and said you got your cab fixed. In fact, I don't troll for your posts because you don't have anything intelligent to say as far as I'm concerned, grammatical noun rules included. I do go there to see what your buddy has lied about recently and to make pdf files of it for my attorney. So before you get all high and mighty and think I have a thing for you, I don't. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you just don't rate.

You do realize you are insulting a paying advertiser of the Metro forum which is a violation of the rules, right?

Oh...I forgot...they don't apply to you and TA Weber, do they? Go home already, you've been exposed for the troll you are.

You are quite transparent, scooter.
Last edited by Scumback Speakers on Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by scooter.thomas » Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:17 pm

Scumback Speakers wrote:I note that you didn't deny that you report back to Weber.
Yeah, and I didn't show any dogs card tricks today either. Go figure?
Scumback Speakers wrote: You do realize you are insulting a paying advertiser of the Metro forum which is a violation of the rules, right?
So what's the worst they can do? Kill me?
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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by Scumback Speakers » Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:40 pm

scooter.thomas wrote: So what's the worst they can do? Kill me?
That might be an option, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure you can get suspended or banned. Then you'd be in the same boat TA is over at the TGP. You think that's what he wants?
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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by Audiowonderland » Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:01 pm

Scumback Speakers wrote:
scooter.thomas wrote: So what's the worst they can do? Kill me?
That might be an option, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure you can get suspended or banned. Then you'd be in the same boat TA is over at the TGP. You think that's what he wants?
Take it easy Jim. Take all the notes you need to but don't get baited into a pointless exchange like this. He is trying to get you dumped here.

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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by toner » Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:45 pm

Scumback and Weber:

Posting public attacks and accusations (even if they are true) does more harm than good to your personal and business reputations, IMO. I understand the temptation to defend yourself publicly but most of what I've read from each of you hasn't helped your individual causes. Allowing yourselves to be baited into public arguments with each other or anyone else will only hurt you in the long run.

Let your respective products and customer service speak for themselves!

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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by BoogieEngineer » Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:52 pm

Okay I have to remind you guys of the title of this thread: Let's keep it civil please. No disrespect intended.

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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by Scumback Speakers » Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:24 am

Audiowonderland wrote:Take it easy Jim. Take all the notes you need to but don't get baited into a pointless exchange like this. He is trying to get you dumped here.
No worries, it's the "internet full moon syndrome". Every once in awhile the Van Helsing in me comes out. :lol:
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Re: Let's keep it civil please.

Post by VelvetGeorge » Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:11 am

It's 2:45 AM and I have been busting ass all week to get amps out to their respective amp companies so they can be on display at the show. The last thing I needed this week (aside from maybe shit from my ex-wife) is to deal with a feud playing out here on Metroamp. Many thanks to our devoted moderators for jumping on this situation. You guys deserve compensation (would you consider working for transformers????).

I have no dog in this race and have done all I can to remain neutral. However, I'm sure we can all agree that this dispute long ago out-grew my tiny little corner of the internet. Take it to the proper arena. I have asked like a gentleman that it be left off our little forum. Now, I will "ask" (read: demand in no uncertain terms) that it not rear it's ugly head here again.
I have tried to allow healthy debate on this subject, fair latitude to both sides and impartial handling of threads that get out of hand, despite the fact that one of the parties advertizes here. The point being that a $40/month banner doesn't buy immunity from this communities rules of conduct.

I'll take this opportunity to respond publicly to a sideways threat directed at myself, as the owner of this bulletin board, to legal action if my response to the recent posts was not satisfactory. Know this: I pay out my pocket to provide the server on which this forum runs and for the maintenance required to keep it running, it is not a public place but rather a community with open invitation to those who wish to engage in discussion about guitar amplifiers. You can check all other baggage and agendas at the door when you enter. I will, under no circumstance, be threatened with legal recourse for my impartial and lenient handling of any dispute which might arise or migrate here. Like I said, I have no dog in this race, but if you drag me into the street you better believe I will fight.

I hope the companies involved can find closure sooner than later, best of luck to you. Now, lets get back to debating about EVH's original plexi.....did I mention that I seen that amp not too long ago?????

Check out Plexi Replicas for my personal amp builds...
