Convert Laney Pro Tube 6 know version to a 2204?

Completed amps from Fender, Orange, Hiwatt, Vox, etc.

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Convert Laney Pro Tube 6 know version to a 2204?

Post by JakeTheRocker96 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:20 pm

Can it be done? Is it possible to replace the original board with an aftermarket JCM800 one?

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Re: Convert Laney Pro Tube 6 know version to a 2204?

Post by gldtp99 » Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:38 am

Of course this could be done--i gutted the orig PCB in my Laney AOR 50 and replaced it with a turretboard---i didn't build a stock 2204 circuit but instead a series of different hi-gain circuits to see what they sounded like (build to learn)--- i've re-done this amp so many times that it wants to jump up and run away when it sees me coming with a soldering iron--- the only real difference, in mine, was that the orig PT/Power Supply uses a FWB rectifier instead of the Marshall-type FW rectifier.
so i just built a FWB rectifier on a pair of terminal strips. i've kept the orig iron---no reason not to.
Currently it has an SLO-based circuit with ideas from other types of amps--- and it's sitting in storage---i found another basic circuit design that i like better so i've been going in that direction--- but all the metalheads that have played the modded Laney like it, except that it's "only" 50 watts and they say they need 100 watters for the low end push and for palm muted passages.
A stock-ish 2204 circuit would work well--- there are plenty of extra pot holes in the front panel (in mine, anyway) to add extras like Lar/Mar PPIMV and Resonance pots................gldtp99

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