- Classified threads purge automatically after 60 days.
- Buy and sell at your own risk.
- One for sale thread at a time - list multiple for sale items in a single thread.
- One wanted to buy thread at a time - list multiple wanted to buy items in a single thread.
- It is ok to have a for sale thread and wanted to buy thread running at the same time.
- Personal items only.
- Your used amplifier
- A set of speakers
- Set of guitar pickups
- Your personal guitar
- 100 tubes
- Varieties and multiple quantities of parts
- Taking orders for your new line of speaker cabs
- Guitars that you build yourself to sell in quantity
- Pre-selling a part you had made in bulk
If you find you have more for sale than is allowed here, you can always support the forum by becoming a paid advertiser and then advertise quantities or products in the business classifieds. More info here.
If we feel your ad doesn't follow the guidelines above, we will ask you to purchase a subscription to the advertisers forum at http://forum.metroamp.com/advertise.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;, and/or delete the thread at our discretion. The MetroAmp forum staff have the final decision on what is ok to post here and we expect you to respect those decisions.