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Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:20 pm
by Flames1950
Guys in regards to the AC/DC tone. I really wasn't asking about how to get it. I was talking about that Rio Grande pup that Shane spoke of where he said that it cant really clean up that well. I was just saying that I can deal with a pickup that will clean up at least as far as how clean the guitar is on the intro to Hells Bells. Sorry for the cornfusion if there was any.
That was my comment, I understood though. It will clean up that much. If you want to try the BBQ after I get my HighOrders in let me know and we can work a deal on it.
Did un-modding that 1959 open it up at all? You've been kinda quiet on what's up with that lately.

Cheap Pickup, great sound

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:11 am
by Bluesbishop
Well...I will probably get flamed for even suggesting a "cheap" pickup. :twisted: but here it goes. As a cheap experiment, I ordered a GFS "FAT PAF" from guitarfetish on ebay. Very inexpensive..around $36.00 bucks.

Now, I've always been a tone and pickup snob. I'm 41, amd have been playing longer than most guys ages here! I current have Fralin blues specials in my Tele, and had Fralin's in My Les Paul. I Ordered this pickup for a guitar that I got as gift from my brohter. Well, I fig'd that I would try it in the Les Paul first, so I could get a "apples to Apples " test.

Well, tone is subjective, but I would put theses pickup easliy against any "boo -tek" pickup I've played or owned. I'm keeping this in the Paul, and selling the Fralins to a buddy. Great high and mids and lows are not muddy, very clear. Slightly hotter than Fralins, and it cleans up very nicely when rolled back.

Just my .02 worth :D


Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:50 am
by Flames1950
Fort Myers? Shoulda had George look you up while he's there.......

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:24 am
by tonejones
Hey guys, I installed the High Order pickup in my LP earlier today and man it rocks!!!! I personally think this thing blows the stock Gibson, Dimarzio Super Distortions, and JBs out of the water!!!!

Loved the Gibson Pup, but seemed ideally suited for Southern Rock, or classic rock only....

Dig the Super Distortions, but always seemed kinda thin to me....

JBs are good.....plenty hot, but seem boomy/muddy (almost a dead lower string kinda vibe) in places and the highs weren't that sweet IMHO

This is a HighOrder 9.7 Maximus, and I couldn't be $55 I ever spent. What freaked me out most was that for years it seemed like I dialed in a sound I liked, and found it to my liking much more while hearing it in ambiance (translated: directly in front of the speaker didn't sound as good to me). With this pickup, it is exactly the opposite!!!!!

Poor guitar students.......they're gonna wonder why I have the amp aimed at me now instead of in between us like usual this upcoming week!! :D

Sorry if I've sounded like a bad info-mercial here, but man.....

my tonejones just got a maaaajor fix!!!!!! :D 8) :D 8) :D