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Need one stombox in the FX loop ideas

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 2:36 pm
by Megaro
I am looking for a simple pedal to run in the FX loop of my 50 watt 5150iii, mostly for older Van Halen material. I need something that is mainly to fill out some space, such as some reverb or delay. I currently have an older Neunaber Wet pedal, which does some pretty nice reverb. However, it would be nice to have a little delay in there too, but I am looking for a really small footprint, one pedal solution. So maybe an echo pedal would work out better ?

I like the 50 watt'er because it is small, and I can easily move it around with the matching 2 x 12 EVH cab. If I could add one footpedal for the FX loop, that would be handy to go from bedroom to larger size spaces without herniating a disc.

I have been hearing great things about the Strymon El Cap because it has delay and can do some spring reverb too. But there are so many pedals on the market today. Any suggestions (especially tone clips !) would be helpful. Thanks :rock:

Re: Need one stombox in the FX loop ideas

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:03 pm
by cruisemates
I know it is a little late, but...

I used to use a (P Cochrane) Tim in the effects loop of this amp (and some Marshall 2 channel amps). The beauty of it is a light gain boost but with an audible volume boost - so you can easily put your lead over the top of the mix AND it has a built in efx loop, where I added my delay pedal. This worked for me as the perfect tool for many years. The only reason I stopped is because I went to single channel amps.

You want a cleanish boost less than an overdrive, but if it adds some gain and has tone controls all the better. Also -0 having the delay and reverb in the loop is the ONLY way to go.

Re: Need one stombox in the FX loop ideas

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:52 am
by herbvis
Earthquaker devices dispatch master! Its a delay and reverb in one. The effects can be used simultaneously or on their own. It sounds great as well and has a small footprint. Sorry, I dont have any tone clips. I may be able to make one for you though soon thouth. Its my favorite pedal that I own.

Re: Need one stombox in the FX loop ideas

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:46 pm
by AJW
I use a Source Audio Nemesis delay. It sounds fantastic and is midi controllable if you use that (I do). It has a great sounding Digital Delay. It sounds markedly better than the BOSS DD6 it replaced.

It also has analog and tape emulations. There are plenty of sounds and features that are fun, but I don't use (including an iphone app with endless patches you can load into it). I love it. It is the only stompbox in my zero-loss FX loop!

There's no reverb though. :shrug: