Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by irwin4star » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:01 pm

#1. Running on a variac for a good while will ensure the speakers are sound from a workmanship and quality standpoint.
#2. Was that YouTube video a quad of M75 65 watters? UFB

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by Scumback Speakers » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:47 pm

irwin4star wrote:#1. Running on a variac for a good while will ensure the speakers are sound from a workmanship and quality standpoint.
#2. Was that YouTube video a quad of M75 65 watters? UFB
1. Ruben didn't want to pay for FBI, so no variac was involved (here at least). He wanted to break them in himself. Obviously that takes longer than when I do the FBI service. He was warned about running his Super Bass over 5-6 on the volume knob with two 65w M75's before he got them, knowing that I recommended the 100w models. He told me he wouldn't be playing it dimed (cranked to 10) so no problem. I guess that changed.

2. The YT link Ruben sent was a 2x12 cab loaded with two M75 65w, with his Super Bass running through it dimed.

3. UFB = Un-F*king-Believable I'm guessing?
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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by irwin4star » Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:10 am

Yeah Jim, comments/questions were for Ruben. That is serious tone in the video, and that head, if healthy, is capable of well over 150 watts on peaks. I had no idea he was using a 2x12 lol

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by Scumback Speakers » Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:20 am

Yep, a 2x12 only. I have to figure those two M75 65w got the living snot played out of them with a Super Bass. Oh well, it's not the first time a client didn't listen to me, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by Ruben » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:26 am

JeezzJim.... :palm:
Do you need glasses? Can you even read my comments!??? Do you even WANT to read what I'm saying?
'defective M75's'....? Who says they were defective??? You!

At first they did sound like shit. Lifeless and flat straight out of the box.
You told me to break them in for 40 hours. Which I did. After nearly 60 hours of playing they did sound somewhat better but no way they could come close to pre-rola's! I bought those speakers following the 'Higher powered Pre-Rola' talk. And in he end they just didn't deliver THAT specefic sound. At least to MY ears! That's all I was trying to say!
So, I sold them. That's legal right?

Anyway guys, this is going nowhere, I'm outta here, not responding to this topic anymore.
Sorry if I offended anyone, never been my intention, I though it was ok to discus and speak your mind freely, clearly it's not.
My bad :champ:

PS @irwin4star: It's a Superbass modded somewhat (during that period of the video) to 68 SL specs. I used to pull 2 output tubes also :whistle:

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by Jef » Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:01 am

Ruben wrote:JeezzJim.... :palm:
Do you need glasses? Can you even read my comments!???

Sorry if I offended anyone, never been my intention....
It seems there's a discrepancy between your intentions and your actions.

Ruben wrote:I though[t] it was ok to discus and speak your mind freely, clearly it's not.
Ruben, if you want to 'speak your mind freely', then perhaps you should get a blog and turn off the comments. Trying to position yourself as a victim simply because others disagree with you is tacky, to say the least.

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by dawgchamp » Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:10 am

Jef wrote:Trying to position yourself as a victim simply because others disagree with you is tacky, to say the least.

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by Big Mike » Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:32 am

I must need to get my ears checked.

That proto, and my subsecquent orders, sure sounded like the tone target to me.

But what do I know...I"m only 1/2-3/4 (max) a 50 watter into 4 of them....(Lar/Mar rules!)
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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by slashl33t » Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:33 am

Interesting thread.... Anybody know the best place to buy some heritage greenbacks? :hide: :lol:
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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by rgorke » Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:58 am

I think the flawed line of reasoning by the OP about the Scumback speakers not sounding like his pre-Rola's could be thrown at Metro or Throbak or any other similar manufacturer. Which "Plexi" sounds exactly like its brother? Which PAF sounds exactly like its brother? Just because they may not sound EXACTLY like what you may does not indicate malfeasance. To claim that these guys are misleading people and are not selling a quality product is irresponsible and just nor right.
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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by awangotango » Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:02 pm

this is an interesting thread, unlike most of them. It shows how people gang up on anyone who doesn't tow the party line and simply offers his honest subjective opinion. But I think the main problem is that you're comparing a speaker that has thousands of hours use, affects from humidity etc to one that has 40 hours on it. I've had plenty of speakers like the rest of you and no way scumbacks are exact clones of any original green. That is not a critique of scumbacks and whoever verfied they are the same as their cream of the crop pre rolas must have had prerolas that sounded different than most. Maybe they were closet classic prerolas? who knows. I think it is false advertising to an extent. But ALL advertising is false. period. so again, I don't fault scumbacks. We live in a time when most of what we hear is distortion, swindle and illusion and that a word of truth is rare, to quote erich fromm. We should be glad jim is making these though, otherwise the price of originals would be $1000/ea.

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by Janglin_Jack » Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:17 pm

Ruben wrote:I have actually heard a couple of other very well broken in M75's and H75's in other players cabs and and to
my surprise they just sounded the same, like mine.

The speakers I had weren't broke, no way.
I was just wondering if it's okay to advertise with pre rola sound and not delivering it. Quess I'll just had to send them back. My bad I quess

Anyway the pre rola's I currently own are mint condition
awango, I don't view this as much "ganging up" on someone as it is for calling out someone that is implying someone is advertising one thing and not delivering it. This is saying the seller is lying. In my eyes, the comment shouldn't have been made. It is OK to to say I prefer this over that. To say someone is advertising pre rola sound and not delivering is irresponsible. Hopefully you can see what people are taking issue with.

Who cares if someone doesn't like Scumback speakers or not. Just don't say some one is lying or pulling some king of bait and swich or fals advertising. Please.


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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by awangotango » Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:24 pm

I understand, this is really about business and not tone, and that ruben's title was guarenteed to be a firestarter, but, that's the point. he or anyone else has a right to question whether an ad slogan is accurate or not after he has tried the product. If the scumback line can't take it, it reflects an underlying uncertainty on his part. thousands of people love the scumbacks, no? Why can't someone once in a while, say "eh, not quite the mojo of my pre rolas, don't buy the ad slogan". You and everyone else are free to continue believing it, and maybe for you it is true. All the better. It's not true for me, but I never expected it to be. I'm an adult with lots of experience. There is no clone anywhere of anything, except maybe this new gmo beef their trying to peddle, and even that is not like the real thing! nothing can be cloned. certainly not speakers, transformers, tubes, pickups etc no biggie, scums are still way cool alternative for those who dont want/like/able to find pre rolas.

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by Janglin_Jack » Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:30 pm

awangotango wrote:I understand, this is really about business and not tone, and that ruben's title was guarenteed to be a firestarter, but, that's the point. he or anyone else has a right to question whether an ad slogan is accurate or not after he has tried the product. If the scumback line can't take it, it reflects an underlying uncertainty on his part. thousands of people love the scumbacks, no? Why can't someone once in a while, say "eh, not quite the mojo of my pre rolas, don't buy the ad slogan". You and everyone else are free to continue believing it, and maybe for you it is true. All the better. It's not true for me, but I never expected it to be. I'm an adult with lots of experience. There is no clone anywhere of anything, except maybe this new gmo beef their trying to peddle, and even that is not like the real thing! nothing can be cloned. certainly not speakers, transformers, tubes, pickups etc no biggie, scums are still way cool alternative for those who dont want/like/able to find pre rolas.
Saying to your buddy you think this is hype or whatever, is one thing. I think a little discression should be used when posting on the web. The poster should certainly be prepared for the seller to protect himself and his reputation. As you can see, some other supporters have whipped Ruben with wet noodles, too. To each his own, but to me it feels like Ruben was saying Jim is deceiving buyers. Not cool by me.

Last edited by Janglin_Jack on Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Scumback M75 pre rola sound like advertised?

Post by awangotango » Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:31 pm

really isn't that the bottom of it....that anyone who claims to have cloned something is thereby stating a lie? but a new speaker seller can't come out and say, here's a really cool speaker that is based off prerolas and really does come close, but has it's own flavor too. Not gonna sell 'em. We need the slogan, because people are living in a daydream. They really can't handle the truth about anything. So it's really our own faults, not scumbacks, he's doing what he has to do.

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