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87 randall birch front loaded cab?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:18 pm
by chickenbop
Hey guys,
I've got the opportunity to pick up an unloaded 1987 4x12 randall cab that I've been told is front loaded and made from 1" birch for probably $50. I know they look cheesy but I don't care about that.
Will the front loaded design make it sound weird if I'm going for a vintage marshall tone? Anybody have any experience with these? I'm playing an avatar 2x12 right now.
I've got a metro jtm45 I'm planning on plugging up to it and loading it with scummincos.

Re: 87 randall birch front loaded cab?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:47 pm
by philmanatee
I had a Randall cab that I bought unloaded to test some speakers in. It was mostly made out of particle board but it sounded pretty good. Phil