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Billy Batz
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Post by Billy Batz » Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:48 am

Hey. My neighbor witnessed a driver do an Ace Ventura with my smaller package that had a small fender in it. Evidently he wasnt happy he had to walk an extra 10 yards to my side door to pick up the package rather then just get it at the front door. But any single individual in any company could do that. If theres a choice of FedEx Ill take that but to be honest I usually dont even pay attention.

Theres a reason I hate doing USPS. Whenever you dont answer the door or arent home they always leave little orange slips for a pickup. I would rather get bent over a sink and raped then go to the post office!


Post by myfoot » Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:46 pm

Found this over at TGP..perhaps this driver will be more gentle...altho that costs extra :P :P

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Post by curtg » Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:53 am

I'd like to put a dent in that package. ;)

Just finished filing another UPS damage claim. Received a subwoofer and there are 2 big dents in the METAL grill of the enclosure. The box looks like a group of UPS guys used it for a punching/kicking bag. F*ckers.

Here's some pics of the damaged box:







and one of the "undamaged" box:


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Post by ozdude » Thu May 01, 2008 10:43 am

I ordered a large Tektronix lab type scope from the states a while ago and even though it was packaged quite well UPS still managed to cave in the back of it enough for the exhaust fan to become jammed. The repair required a parallel printer port socket to be removed from a double sided pcb, meaning you have to pull out each pin one at a time and destroy the connector in the process while trying real hard not to burn out the pcb tracks, and that just to be able to get into the thing to start the repairs. All up it was a 5-6 hour job.
I HATE all carriers except USPS to the point that I'd rather spend hours wading through the internet trying to find suppliers that will ship USPS. The main reason is that they are forever leaving those dreaded orange stickers in my letter box. I have even wondered if they actually bother ringing the doorbell as on a couple of occasions I've been home and never heard a thing, next thing you know I go check my letterbox and.... WTF??? Closest depot from here is an hour return trip through traffic, meanwhile I'm paying premium postage rates for the privilege.
I'll be ordering a 68 plexi kit from George soon, here's hoping it arrives in more or less the same number of pieces it was sent out as.

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