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Interactive 45/100 build journal?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:01 pm
by VelvetGeorge
Now that 45/100 parts are shipping let me ask you guys a question? Would it be possible to have use the forum, maybe create a dedicated category, to interactively document the build process?

What about a category dedicated to just the build process. Each thread dedicated to one step. And everyone contribute pictures, options, part selection etc.

Problems I see with this approach:

keeping threads in order of the build process

keeping threads dedicated to one single step and on topic

Has this been down on other forums, and how did they address these issues?

Mostly, are you guys interested in this?



Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:06 pm
by myfoot
I'm interested.I'm gonna be behind a little because I'm not going to have all the parts right off the bat to finish. But I'd be happy to share some pics and thoughts and problems I encounter if it would help anyone else.
MWM532's build progress in the 50 watt forum was priceless in helping me with that build.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:09 pm
by NY Chief
Absolutely, George! As you know I have had my 45/100 parts under the bench for way too long and as soon as I finish the 50's I've promised myself to get going on the 45/100. A big reason I haven't started is because I've been spoiled by the great instructions for the other builds that we don't (yet!) have for the 45/100.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:27 pm
by wdelaney72
I think it's a good idea, but you're putting a lot of faith in people to search and read what's already posted. Case in point - building a 12xxx. There's more than enough information here in the forum on how to build a 12xxx but we still have continous threads popping up from newbies asking the same old tired questions.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:08 pm
by Billy Batz
You could even start another section of forums, one page for the JTMs and one for the 12 series then the 10, each page with however many stickies needed per step for people to post on. In fact Ive already wanted to share a lot of things Ive been doing for a while now for each step. For instance using heat shrink on the heater twists so you can handle the flying ends to the tube socket as rough as you want since the twist is tightly heat shrinked.

I just got my goods in for the JTM 5 minutes ago. I just dont have time but this weekend Im dedicating to building the amp. I have no problem taking lots of pictures. Maybe not as organized as Flames 69 instructions but enough. But Id be happy to do my best using the 69 kit instructions as a guide- though Id probably need 2 weekends stopping to take pictures then posting results etc.. Maybe not.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:12 pm
by MacGaden

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:17 pm
by Billy Batz
Well you just make iut clear that the mod duties are going to be strict. Any wandering and your post gets nixed.

I get extremely tired of reading the same question for the 99th time when it so obvioulsy comes down to laziness on 2 fronts- a lack of really trying to work the search function (yeah the search on these versions of forums suck but they work if you actually try enough), and not enough effort- or zero effort- into studying layouts/gutshots/schematics. Its easier to just start a thread and have someone answer it.

I think in the end it would be a blog. A new blog thread for each step.

George did you put the shield in the headcab or does mojo do that?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:54 pm
by VelvetGeorge
Yeah, the logistics are tough. Maybe a blog handled by one or two people would be better. I'm open to suggestions, of course.

In general, the amount of info here is hard to archive and organize in a forum structure. I have an idea how to address this and now that there is a new web guy going to help out we can implement new things.


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:10 pm
by Billy Batz
I think your idea is sound. Just figure out a way to keep the threads in order and have a disclaimer about going off topic.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:25 pm
by Flames1950
I'm game........although my new 45/100 projects may be a bit behind everyone else.......

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:31 pm
by S.Marshall
wdelaney72 wrote:......but we still have continous threads popping up from newbies asking the same old tired questions.
HEY!!!! I resemble that remark. :roll:

For you guys with all the experience in the world I'm sure it seems easy to go right to the info needed. I'm sure that having thousands of posts involved in these topics and knowing all the terminology has nothing to do with that ability either.

Sure I have learned tons by searching posts. I have also wasted alot of time reading vague posts that never actually got to the heart of my question. Did I search correctly? Who know's! Learning the correct terminology to ask the question correctly kinda takes the fun outta why I'm here. To build some amps and have fun.

Nothing personal but have always been amazed at "Pros" who are irritated by newbies questions. Nobody said you have to read them or answer them. I bet when you were new there were no stupid questions though huh? I only have an IQ of 135 so I just may not understand how smart poeple work. :wink:

Hell I have questions I have asked directly and still don't have answers to.

Just my 2 cents but I think it's a great idea. For us "Newbies" anyway.


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:51 pm
by NitroLiq
I think a blog with a couple of builders sharing notes would be a good way to go about it. If not that, a single "start-to-finish" sticky thread by an advanced builder would work with perhaps a Q&A session at the end. Nothing beats a build guide though, I know it's a lot of work. I've been using a bit of both to finish a d'lite 22 I'm building for a local player.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:28 pm
by OnTheFritz
Flames1950 wrote:I'm game........although my new 45/100 projects may be a bit behind everyone else.......
I think the blog would be perfect.
Dan's getting rolling this weekend, and even though you're not starting yet, you could add your valuable knowledge and insight into the process as he moves along.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:56 pm
by gutpile
I'll be starting mine this weekend! 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:00 pm
by Flames1950
S.Marshall wrote:Sure I have learned tons by searching posts. I have also wasted alot of time reading vague posts that never actually got to the heart of my question. Did I search correctly? Who know's! Learning the correct terminology to ask the question correctly kinda takes the fun outta why I'm here. To build some amps and have fun.
Gotta agree, when I resort to the search function as a resource there's an awful lot of irrelevant garbage to sort through, to ever find out if the thread is even related.........I'm sure someone was irritated with me when I first started posing questions too, but they never let on and thanks to them for that.