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Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 1:58 pm
by chrisom
This is a great forum, but it's not the same without your input. We hope you will soon grace us with your presence here- co

:help: :bang: :help: :bang: :stars: :hairband:

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:16 pm
by Mars Hall
Most definitly! Please come back Jon.

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:56 pm
by demonufo
He's still large over on the MarshallForum if you really miss him.
I guess he really got annoyed by people wanting layouts for everything instead of being willing to learn a bit more. But some guys just don't have the brains for it and want/need to follow instructions with brain left at home. His point was kind've along the lines of "If you can't be bothered to learn, then people shouldn't bother helping you", which I kind've understand, but helping out any which way doesn't bother me (though I haven't got the patience to teach people in depth like Jon, I'd rather go for the quick fix.) I'm not in the game to make money after all, just enjoy messin'.
It is indeed sad that he is not here though.

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:02 pm
by axeman
John was dismissed for a very good reason. :hide: I really liked the guy until he confused kindness with weakness, and thought my humbleness was an easy target to take advantage of. You can't fix stupid.

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:19 pm
by demonufo
Aah, I missed that. I guess he sure was volatile though.

His user profile is still valid though. :?

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:25 pm
by Flames1950
User profiles are still visible....even when their owners are not.

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:32 pm
by axeman
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:22 pm
by OnTheFritz
Flames1950 wrote:User profiles are still visible....even when their owners are not.
Jon's actually banned? What *really* happened? :what:

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:26 am
by axeman
I think I spotted him using a different user name. He's here lurking circle ling waiting for the rite moment to strike, watch your backs.

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:40 am
by neikeel
I must have missed the fireworks :shock:

Personally I think that there should be room for in depth discussion as long as it is kept civil. John had some valuable things to say and was good at keeping things in perspective, yes he took the piss sometimes but then that is the reality of life and people should be able to deal with it even if we bristle a bit under the surface :wink: .

Equally if someone is being a numbnuts that can be called, albeit politely can't it.

Another great contributor was a thousandshirts who was wound up a couple of times (once by someone who only seemed to post in between getting drunk and taking a drill to the bottom of his speaker cab - nearly managed to wind Jim Seavall up on that post too). Not sure whether he was banned or walked.

I would imagine the mods had good reason :?:

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:44 pm
by Woolly Mammoth
He was bad and needed to go away.

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:23 pm
by demonufo
neikeel wrote:Another great contributor was a thousandshirts who was wound up a couple of times (once by someone who only seemed to post in between getting drunk and taking a drill to the bottom of his speaker cab - nearly managed to wind Jim Seavall up on that post too). Not sure whether he was banned or walked.
I REALLY miss Will. I was hoping he was going to do a thread on his rather intricate weaving, but it never surfaced. At least with Will from what I saw, nobody copped any flak that didn't thoroughly deserve it. But with Jon it kinda got a little bit, um, self-righteous, and started picking on people in a somewhat elitist manner. He's a little bit that way over on the marshall forum currently too, but at least I don't seem to be on the wrong side of it. :lol: The bad side is it seems to be okay to carry on in that manner over there. :roll: I myself got attacked in a similar way by somebody else recently, and I have to say, lost my cool. :whistle:

Still, if people can't play nicely with others...

(Although sometimes my tolerance level goes right through the basement floor too. Especially when people are being very one-sided and can't get perspective of the other side, or just rude for rude's sake. Or thinking that they are better, and nobody else could possibly have a reasonable level of knowledge...)

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:27 pm
by Coot Boy
Woolly Mammoth wrote:He was bad and needed to go away.

Can't agree more. Anyone who says " I seriously hope you die of electric shock " along with a diatribe of further abuse can kiss my ass. He is knowledgeable alright but you better not disagree or you'll get flamed big time. I'm disappointed with all the adulation.

Re: Flemingmras We Miss You!

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:37 pm
by axeman
I really liked Jon, but he screwed up and he almost took me down with him. I will never ever take advantage of someone regardless of how vulnerable they are.