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2204 Steel Chassis

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:39 am
by Brad H
Are there any future plans, or is there currently a way to get a 50w chassis/faceplates with two rocker switches? Looking to build a 2104 but possibly in a 1x12 cab, and would love to have a rocker switch 50w chassis that has a stand up PT. If I go with the 100w MV chassis, the cab width would have to be the width of a 2x12 cab, and I’d have to blank-off a lot of unused cutouts. I can find toggle switch chassis all day, but not a rocker switch chassis.

Re: 2204 Steel Chassis

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:34 pm
by RockinRocket
If you have a router it would be a piece ok cake to cut it out.
Ive only done IECs but to much success.

Re: 2204 Steel Chassis

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:08 am
by Brad H
I could do that, but with having the holes for the indicator light, power toggle and standby toggle right there, I need to make sure the rocker switch holes are clean so the switches aren’t wobbly or crooked. I suppose I could do a blank chassis and drill the holes myself, but it sure would be easier if I could find a chassis already done...without buying someone’s junked, overpriced Marshall just to get a chassis. I swear everyone with a 2204/2104 thinks they’re sitting on a vintage gold mine!

Re: 2204 Steel Chassis

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:18 am
by Brad H
What I have in my head is, a 1x2 combo with a 65w or 75w Creamback. I was going to punch the holes for the second set of inputs and use them for a series fx loop, rather than trying to fish around through the back of the amp each time I use it. Nothing too flashy, just something with the same tone of my big amp, that I can lug around without a moving truck! Run a pair of 6550’s and a red tolex covered cab with big checked cloth.

Re: 2204 Steel Chassis

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:10 pm
by RockinRocket
I hear ya on that.
To go through all the trouble of having a chassis run made why not just do them like the originals?

Re: 2204 Steel Chassis

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:23 am
by Brad H
I’d love to get my hands on an original chassis. Problem is, nobody makes it. I can get an 800 50w chassis, but not the JMP with the shorter control panel. Everyone is making the JMP 50w chassis with toggle switches instead of rockers. May just have to to bite the bullet and start cutting on one and see if I can make it clean.