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Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 8:41 pm
by Flames1950
Bluesbishop and Marco: thank you for being honest. I have to agree that these clips are not capturing that "magic". I sent 3 days micing, recording, moving the mics, recording again, blending different mics ect. I just can't seem to capture the essense of standing in front of this amp.
Honestly, I'm iffy at best on sticking a 57 right on the grille for anything but live sound.......if I record at home I've usually got three mikes set up and the one from about four to six feet away is the one I usually blend in the most. To my ears, if I want to capture what I hear when I'm playing I position a mic where I'm hearing the sound from.........and I never make the mistake of playing a Marshall with my ear stuck on the grille. :wink:

But I know, everyone wants the standard, common old point of reference. Even if it isn't the best representation. :roll:

From what I hear on the clips I prefer the 500V setting, but I'll tell you what, the low voltage amps are great to stand in front of and play -- they're compressed with loads of sustain, and everything pops out and feeds back '75 50-watt at 425 volts is just LIQUID, and I'm sure that's what you're hearing from yours too just doesn't record as dynamically to my ears.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:31 am
by 5150loveeddie
Star*Guitar wrote:I've owned the Peacemaker and played it extensively. I also own a Scorpion.

The Peacemaker just didn't do it IMHO. It sounded harsh....I may get flamed for saying that but I am just being honest. The Scopion is a much different beast.. Warm and Killer...

I just know that George's 12XXX series amps come closer...The componants are closer to the right type and real thing. Vic makes great amps...but the choice of resistors, caps amoung other things changes the basic tone we are trying to achieve on this board. IMO.
I agree the PM lacks Even order hormonics, it's great but at the same time it sounds sterile, square, like a solid state but with tubes :shock:, it's weird what I just said but that's the way I fell with it, I tried one..., I can't put it in words, it's like you like it at first then it sucks, not ORGANIC, George's is the opposite it's very ORGANIC, creamy, juicy, etc...just need to get the proper speakers/guitar and maybe better mic recording technics or whatever (for those VH freaks...).......

Your Kansas clips was 110% man!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:33 am
by saborthw
Personally I like recording my amp with a Neumann TLM 193
or TLM 103 Both Mics I own, I agree with Flames that Sm57 live
is the standard but IMO if you want to capture the the details of any fine instrument with the utmost uncolored clairity the TLM 193 is a Great Mic for this, and it will handle high SPL,s .
Some of my best recorded tone has come from the TLM 193. it is not a no brainer like a Sm57, the TLM 193 requires good placement and a little paitence, but the results are very worthwhile.

I have been kind of been in laying low because I am jonesing for one of Georges Kits , waiting for bonus time. George, the Kansas clip Rocks and so does the clip you player on the explorer.



Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:24 am
by Flames1950
Billy Batz wrote:Different strokes. I just always try to press to anyone not to judge from sound clips. ANything marshalls are capable of doing Metro amps can do. Whether they do it 75% as well as your brothers 68 or 100% or 75% etc... who can say? But I think Ill be playing my new 67 a lot more then my real Super Bass.
Yer gonna have to button it up first......LOL.....

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:45 am
by Billy Batz
I think today or tomorrow :)

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:39 am
I cant wait to hear more clips ?! I really want to hear the amp do some VH....

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:55 pm
by Star*Guitar
Anonymous wrote:Hey George,
Could you post some clips without the amp set to 10 all the way round?
Set more like the ac/dc clips you did?
Also,I thought I read a post where you said you were recording from a mackie board.That would definately explain the lack of sparkle someone mentioned earlier.Mackies smear the sound pretty bad from my experience.Thanks!
Boy do a agree with this. That awful EQ on the Mackie board is so bad it is unreal. There is no way to bypass it. Very tinny, harsh...I use a 1604 VLZ pro. Today I was miking my Mojave Scorpion. Moving the SM57 just about go...if I just muted the track it sounded killer...But anytime you light that board up...It is like playing in a tin can...It is really terrible...Thinking of trading mine in..the problem is...what do I get in return that sounds good for the same money?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:29 pm
by donbarzini
I switched from a VLZ to the new Onyx line, much warmer.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:47 pm
by VelvetGeorge
I hear you. I try to keep the signal chain as minimal as possible. Especially as faras the Mackie board is concerned.

One thing you can do, as I am, is to plug the mic into the channel and take a 1/4" cord plugged 1/2 way into the insert out to your sound card or recorder.

This way, the signal goes in, through the trim pot, opamp and out. It never hits the EQ ect.

My choice for an alternative is the RNMP. But I haven't ponied up for one yet. I do have the RNC. Excellent piece of gear.


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:10 pm
by chickenbop
Hey George,
I've had a rnp and they're great for the money but since you're an amp whiz,you should check out the pres/kits from
They're more in the api/neve league of sound for about the same price as a rnp.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:50 am
by bjm007
Unfortunately to get a decent recording you need some decent converters to follow the decent preamp. The ones in most sound cards are just bloody awful.

I'm using Apogee these days which is pretty expensive for 8 channels of A/D D/A, but Lucid has a little two channel version that's only about $500 if you can find a used one on ebay... Combine that with an RNP and you can put some reasonably good sound on the hard drive.........

I'll see if I can do some clips when #5 arrrives........ :D

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:30 am
by johniss0001
"I may be wrong but I think the G12Ms only came in 75hz? The G12H came in 55 and 75"

"Greenback rolla and prerolla came in 75 and 55 Hz.

Greenback G12H 102 014(55Hz) and 102 003 (75Hz)

Greenback G12M 102 014(55Hz) and 102 003 (75Hz)

Greenback G12H 102 014(55Hz) and 102 3 (75Hz)

Greenback G12M 102 014(55Hz) and 102 3 (75Hz)

The longer numbers such as "102 003" indicate that it's an older Pre-Rola, and a "102 3" would indicate a newer Rola."

i have an unusual quad of g12ms not 75 not 55 but 50 they are original no recones they have even more low than the 55s, I have never ever come across another pair of 50s, they are g12ms incase you guys think they ain;t and yes they are rola black-green backs samething. so what is going on here i dont understand why i have a pair of 50s when all i can find or 75s or 55s. It's a mystery

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 6:43 pm
by Country Boy Shane

You've done it George


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:12 pm
by Skoora
I think the amp sounds phenomenal. I like how the 400 V and 500v setting really give you some versatility on feel. Even though I love the VH tone I think it's way too critical to overly chastise an amp because it doen't sound exactly like an almost 30 year old record. The recording circumstances are so different in every way that discussing subtle diiferences in brightness etc. is pointless. We are talking about a guitar sound that was using the best studio gear at the time. Engineered and mixed by serious pro's and also mastered vs. a guy doing homemade recordings with barely semi-pro gear and who also doesn't happen to be Edward Van Halen.
PLUS is George using a Variac to lower the input voltage to 88-90V. Probably not. I asume the 400V setting is meant to emulate that effect but it won't be quite the same.

I also would love to hear some semi-distorted tones ala older AC/DC, Bad Co., Mick Ronson type stuff.

Keep it up. The amp sounds killer so far.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:26 pm
by NY Chief
Skoora almost 30 year old record.....
owwwwwwww..... :?