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Amy Winehouse (srry lol)

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:26 am
by ohmygodtheykilledkenny
Normally I wouldn't put anything not guitar related in here, let alone something that could pass as pop, but her voice is such a nice change from the typical shit that passes for R and B nowadays. Its very cabaret, without being trashy. Anyways, the first time my friend went to put it on, I said "What the fuck man?", since normally we listen to Machine Head, or British Steel, and after I got over the shock, I enjoyed it. Good Tunes. Just wish she wasn't so fucked on crack and booze.


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:46 am
by worldoftone
Now back to British Steel . . .


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:24 am
AW's stuff is cool, but she is a total mess at the minute - seriously needs to clean up, she's way past the point where she's able to be an artist and a user as anyone that saw her at Glastonbury can attest to.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:26 pm
by ohmygodtheykilledkenny
worldoftone wrote:Now back to British Steel . . .

Lol, no worries, its still in the rotation. Amy's a nice changeup though. I enjoy it for casual listening cuz I'm not sitting there dissecting what the guitarists are doing with a magnifying glass. (a terrible, terrible habit)

Heavier than Hell: for sure, she's comletely effed at the moment. There's some magical line that it seems artists can toe where they can be messed up druggies, and artists, and it would seem that Amy has strayed too far on the wrong side of this line.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 1:43 pm
by frenchie
I wanted to make a joke looking at what you just wrote but won't :lol: :lol: ( no kidding on you ohmygodtheykilledkenny don't worry ) ....

Back to amy she has kind of a predestined name don't you find ? And she even went further to it :lol: .... anyway 3 or 4 years ago on some photos she was a fuckin' sexual bomb for me ( she strongly reminded me an ex i really loved :oops: ) , and very very very good singer in the beginning......But still i always hate too much hyped artists ( dunno why sometimes even when it's objectively pretty good stuff i just pass my way ) i always have kind of an uncomfortable feeling with this hype shit .....And she's been VERY hyped !

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:29 pm
by Billy Batz
Im with you Frenchie. Even if the music is really good if I get the impression its being shoved down my throat big time by the indusry, like you see them in appearances on every talk show and late show and magazines and music at the store and commercials on tv :x I dont want to listen just to stick it to the man!

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:03 pm
by 908ssp
Reminds me of Vanilla Ice doing rap or Eminem. Trying to copy something she is not cashing in on a sound that is completely alien to her upbringing and ethnic make up. And that is the best I can say about her.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:37 pm
by frenchie
yeah .....definitely ...vanilia ice is a good example , of you know ...things that if you listen to what is sayed on tv NEVER happens until there's an article in any local journal , titled " &&&&& an unknown reclaims for author rights of &&&&&'s song " .... :roll: :roll: :roll: .......damn those fabulous new technologies thend to make those phenomenons more and more current , guys i tell you , just fear myspace if you compose , so much books could be written about such stories ......reality over passes fiction

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:57 pm
by frenchie
I made a mistake it was not vanilia ice whom i talked about ,but it was milli vanilli if i remember correctly ....You know those two black singers who in fact didn't sang a note in their album .... :roll: even worse than copying a song without paying for intellectual property .....

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:11 am
by ohmygodtheykilledkenny
Fair enough on all points. The problem that I'm hitting is that whenever someone half decent comes around, the media jumps on it, and tries to turn a fast buck on it.

It may not be as authentic as all the artists of the fifties that she tries to channel, but I'm so sick of this overdone Rap/RnB "I'm a soul singer who's only drive is to be able to afford another diamond encrusted, tasteless, tacky watch." thing. All the fucking over mixed bass, synth string sections, asshole fucking teenagers with their subs in their fucking Honda's (who I naturally associate myself with lol).

Whether or not she is driven by desire for money, fame, or otherwise, at least she's faking her own thing lol

Me and my bass player were talking and we're thinking that online music piracy (don't act like you don't participate, all of you!!!!) is going to kill the business as it exists today, digital music sales are going to plummet, and suddenly, its 1955 again, and new labels pop up, looking for real musicians that they can sell. As a spinoff, I hope that all music goes analog, simply because its harder to pirate and sounds better.


P.S sorry if this came off as a rant, 8 hours of work with no breaks and no sleep mess with my head.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:29 am
by frenchie
don't be so black and white about piracy .... depends which type of piracy you are talking about , an artist that steal an entire song in myspace to make his new album need to say it's bad , a guy like this deserve a bullet in the head ,no ethical dilemma on this ....but peer to peer is rather a different problem for me , there are some phenomenons related with it and some are good , first it ( listen to me ) FIST FUCKED the completely artificial supremacy of some majors (yep we also can call it trusts , it isn't false i think ) so much that it couldn't be anything else than a good thing , you know like "woa at last , damn they deserved " , following that concerning regulation of the quality in music it created some opened doors for good artists that's true , the only problem is the public (here i talk about what happens in france guys !) when you are brain washed during 40 years to listen to shit when you at last have the opponrtunity to listen to good music while having the choice , you still continue to listen to shit :roll: know i think peer to peer helped as it was the new predator in the world of huge music companies which previously had not know kind of natural regulation of the number of the species as in nature ...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:57 pm
by ohmygodtheykilledkenny
Very true Frenchie, I hadn't thought about the theft of music from myspace. See to me that is an entirely different crime, like stealing from Wal Mart versus stealing from an individual. Either way, its a moral dilema, but I could never steal from an individual whereas Wal Mart can go fuck themselves.

I should also mention that typically I'm not "sharing" newer music. I try to, as often as possible, purchase the disc from an artist who is still active. For example, I'm not sure if you guys have heard of the band Wolfmother, but I bought their CD for $20 at their show when they were here. These guys won't survive without me forking over some cash. However I'm not going to fork over $150 to get Zeppelin's discography, they don't need my money. That being said, I will buy it on vinyl, so they still see some business from me. Same with Hendrix, Janie can go fuck off with Wal Mart.


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:18 pm
by Billy Batz
People love to spout about ethics. Im a realist. I look at it as pure revolution. Thats all part of their so-called business. The world changes. Adapt or die. If a few immoral people do it its a crime. When everyone does it, even people who are otherwise perfectly law abiding, its the way of the world and you adapt or die. I doubt theres any solution that could keep pace with the excesses they make from raping and pillaging from musicians so theyll fight tooth and nail. All these peer sites are legal, strictly speaking, and they are able to have them shut down basically through strong-arming. Threatening servers, ISPs, and believe it or not they have had some shut down in europe by the US threatening to impose economic sanctions. Thats the US government! Talk about being reduced to muscle for the industry.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:00 pm
by frenchie
:lol: :lol: ....And they all love to say ( you know what type of persons i'm talking about ) "we cannot do anything till those sites are hosted in foreign countries " ... :lol: :lol: :lol: i mean you know ...come on's an entire part of your strategy suckers ....well simply i think almost everything which is surviving in this world due it's survival to the fact that it serves the upper strategy , if not it dies or have strong difficulties to survive're totally right billy

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:15 pm
by ohmygodtheykilledkenny