CLASSIC ROCK era. Marshall tones

Inspirational tones.

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Your favorite 5 year period from '68-'88

Poll ended at Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:01 am

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CLASSIC ROCK era. Marshall tones

Post by awangotango » Thu May 14, 2015 11:32 pm

How would you break down the era of '69-'83? think of all the different marshall tones and epic albums made during this short period! I can name a several hundred right off the top of my head! but regarding the tone as well. what a variation of marshall midrange and amazing tones!

non master type, era.

mellow yellow era
humble pie, free, the who james gang et al - mostley non master marshall '70-'76

wild and crazy
thin lizzy, ac/dc, et al- mix of non master and master volume ''74-'82

The golden era
Scoprions/UFO/priest/sabbath etc - still a mix of non master and master volume ''74-'82

reagan years.
''83-88. believe it or not, Still a mix of non masters and at the end, soldano etc, but still mostly marshall (modded often).

think of all the classic albums during that time! unbelievable. Plus it had TONE

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Re: CLASSIC ROCK era. Marshall tones

Post by theactor19 » Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:55 pm

Obviously 68.. 66-67 was great too! - Tone Tips, Pedal Reviews, Amp Reviews, Guitar Reviews. Helping you get amazing tone.

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