What Is The Best Voodoo Child (Slight Return) Wah?

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Re: What Is The Best Voodoo Child Wah?

Post by Roe » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:11 pm

Brandon wrote:
Roe wrote:the video is long lost :(
strangely, I get closer to the blues jam with my 67 jtm than any fender I've tried, including a blonde bassman. however, the bassman does a pretty good slight return tone, as does the later super lead circuit. But it all depends on the fuzz. a 67 100w can also give a good slight return tone.
Do you know what kind of fuzz he was running?
no, I doubt anyone knows. probably some germanium fuzz face, not silicon or mayer axis. its not a smooth Ge FF with low voltage bias IMO
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Re: What Is The Best Voodoo Child (Slight Return) Wah?

Post by swankmotee » Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:17 pm

The amp used in Voodoo Chile Slight Return is definitely a Marshall and aint no Fender! :roll: Anybody who has owned and played through vintage plexi's from that era can hear that difference without question! The jam with Winwood definitely sounds like a Bassman or something of that ilk probably pumped through a Marshall 412 as my ole ears tell me. The different versions of that jam are very interesting in that Jimi gets all kinds of different tones from the fuzzface into that amp and he probably tweaked the knobs a bit before the final version since there was some cutting out of signal probably due to riding the knobs at max and maybe a cable with a bad ground acting up. I deal with those same problems with my old FF's too and makes for a very hit or miss situation sometimes.OH, and almost forgot, I use an old 846 for the Jimi thang.

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Re: What Is The Best Voodoo Child Wah?

Post by Purplexi » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:38 am

Brandon wrote:LOL Yeah I've heard some things about Eddie Kramer talking about Voodoo Child SR, and seriously I've heard him say he used AT LEAST 3 different amps on that recording.

The guy must be fucking brain dead from all of the LSD he jammed under his tongue in '69! :drool: :stars: :champ:
C'mon Brandon, Kramer is an intelligent guy who's helped give us the very tones you're inquiring about. Why slag him and an entire generation for experimenting with something that was never proven to cause any brain damage and was also a prominent ingredient in the sounds we're discussing here? Oh BTW, The Wilson "Vintage Spec" Wah will give all those 846 wah tones for a lot less than an original or the Fulltone. Mr Wilson makes a dynamite Vibe pedal too, also only $150! http://www.wilsoneffects.com/index.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: What Is The Best Voodoo Child (Slight Return) Wah?

Post by JimiJames » Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:15 pm

The Vox V848 Reissue of the V846 states it contains a tone-critical part, a custom-tuned inductor, made by the original manufacturer.
Restricted to the E.P.A. & RoHA Compliant states its a direct copy.
Would the newly designed custom-taper pot have an effect on the vocal sweep ? I don't know?
I have the V848 & V847. The 47 I use with humbuckers and the 48 with single coils. :wink:
I stll use my Chicago Thomas Organ ( very Jimi-fied :jimi: ) Although, I replaced the pot with a newer ICAR 100K Taper.

I also agree with Roe on type of fuzz making the tone factor :idea:
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