Jimi Hendrix Reference Guide?

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Jimi Hendrix Reference Guide?

Post by harkkam08 » Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:40 am

Hey guys, I feel like a reference guide is needed for the Fuzz Hendrix uses and all the other equipment that's out there.

The web has lots of information, however I find it that its actually counter productive, since there are just so many opinions and options in regards to jimi. Not saying there is something wrong with that. But a part of me wants to unify our knowledge and create a wiki sort of document that we can all agree on, a set of amps, fuzz etc that can bring the player as close to Jimi as possible, aside form the difference's that cant be accounted for.

The second benefit would be economical, since I'm broke most of the time :), I cant afford experimentation lol. This could help people who are short on cash and dont have to spend more than they want to, to get that sound.

Lastly, nothing is perfect so this idea for wiki, the aim is not to re-create the sound carbon copy, but to get you as close as possible and the rest is up to you. I feel like this guide would be great for anyone wanting to start their Jimi Journey.

I hope that people share, and add to a growing bank of knowledge.


So far for me and my contribution here is what I found: This is my favorite Setting

Amp: JTM 45 Metroamp (Modified with 69' specs with solid state rectifier and split cathode with Valve Art Kt66)
Settings: Presence (3) , Bass (4), Mids (10), Treble (1), High Treble/Loudness 1 (1), Normal/Loudness 2 (6) or (10)

Guitar: Fender Strat MIM 70's reissue

Effects: Dunlop JH-1 Fuzz (Stock) , KR Megavibe, Budda Bud Wah

Effects Settings: Dunlop JH-1 Fuzz - Volume (10), Fuzz (10), KR Megavibe - Volume (10), Speed (5), Intensity (10)

Chain:Guitar -> Wah -> Fuzz -> Vibe -> Amp

Used a Coily Cable from guitar to the Wah

Sound I got:

I found that I got the sustain I liked and I was able to hit the Isle Of Wright-ish kind of sound, the fact I have a JTM 45 and not a super lead makes a big difference in my opinion. When I have the Amps volume to around 6 and cut down the fuzz on my JH-1 I can get a real nice red house sound going.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Reference Guide?

Post by mathd » Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:41 am

I run a JTM45 too but in a BluesBreaker cab with v-30 speaker
I have no effect pedals so far, But i should be getting the parts today for a Axis Fuzz.
Best setting for me so far are, presence10, bass 4, mid, 8, treble, 7, vol1: 8, vol 2: 7. I plug into the high treble input and jump the channel together.
I have a cheap guitar(jackson js-30 dinky) with high output humbucker, i usually end up with tone control set to max and vol at about 2/3 to 3/4(or higher if i want a fuzz-like effect)

I also use a blend of the Lar/mar PPIMV and a hotplate(on the lowest setting), it give more of a superlead feel(kinda like less sag)
I switched over to split V1 cathod and 16x16 preamp filtering(to me it give more the gain/tighter low end, it is also more VH'ish to me this way and am loving it) using 820/10uf and 2k7/0.68uf for V1 also a .68 over the V2A.
I reduced the High treble coupling capacitor to .0033, the normal channel and tonestack caps are .018.(they are mustard mullard)
I run the NFB on the 16ohm tap and 27k(stock).

I run a Mullard on V1, a jj12ax7 on V2(to be changed soon), and a RFT on V3.
I keep tweaking but so far i have good result this way.
Maby i will try to record a clip with my camera, am not really a good player so am trying not to record myself lol.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Reference Guide?

Post by basile865 » Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:10 pm

I think this is a good idea, however there are so many different hendrix sounds, as well as people's preferences, and whats considered acceptable Hendrix tone to them that I think thats the reason there is tons of opinionated info. What might make it easy is to start with the basics.

One thing thats easy to forget and everyone under-estimates is the fact that Jimi not only played loud, he played REALLY LOUD. That changes everything from the tone the pedal makes to your sustain, to the way your treble sounds and bass sounds.

Gear wise you need atleast a 4x12 with a vintage british type tone. Mainly a g12h30, greenback, or vintage 30 (I know they're not vintage). Those are probably the 3 best Celestion options IMO. Then you're going to need a Marshall - but only a plexi flavor. None of the other stuff. Jtm 45, 1987x, jtm45/100, 1959 will all get you to the ballpark. Then you need a fuzz face type circuit (various options), a good wah, a good univibe, and maybe an octafuzz. Then you need a strat with vintage voiced low output single coils. Ideally you'll have also a fender blackface tube amp like a twin reverb to get those spanky quacky fender cleans he used. You can't nail it really unless you're using high quality stuff - and even then its hard to nail anything. The point is you cant just buy all the mass produced run of the mill stuff and expect it to produce the same tone.

All of this is only my opinion, and truthfully you can get close using a single coil guitar through any loud amp with an overdrive/distortion box in front of it. I think the best advice is throughout the entire chain just strive to use high quality components that replicate what was used in the vintage unit. If you can cover every base like that then you'll be there. The pickups, wood, speakers, transformers, capacitors, cables, picks, circuits all made a difference. As long as you pay attention to the entire signal chain and strive to make it as close to vintage as possible I think you can conquer all the Hendrix tones you want. Easier said than done, and it takes time and money to acquire these things, but they all make a difference. If one or two parts of that chain are different or modern voiced in some way, it can mess the whole thing up.

Outside of that just work on your technique and touch. :rockon:

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Reference Guide?

Post by mathd » Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:31 am

basile865 wrote: Outside of that just work on your technique and touch. :rockon:
Yeah, that part is more then half of the tone. Just by changing my attack it can sound completly crap or very sweet :).
There is alot to hes techniques.

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Re: Jimi Hendrix Reference Guide?

Post by peter25 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:48 pm

I wouldn't buy the axis fuzz. I only heard two (one of them is mine) and they sound aweful live.
Getting a decent sound by tweaking your amp with the unit is possible, but using it as a thick lead fuzz impossible.
It has earpearcing hi end notes.
If you're really serious go to freestompboxes.org Build your own bc108c fuzz. The circuitry is easy.
I just built one and guess where I put it in... Axis fuzz. The Axis Fuzz will get it's own casing.
Maybe an old lamp or something that goes with its sound.

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