Hendrix hype/reality ?

His guitar slung across his back, his dusty boots is his cadillac.

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Re: Hendrix hype/reality ?

Post by awangotango » Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:49 pm

well this is the main difference.......that rock n roll at that time was being formed as a genre whereas now all the kids can do to be different is takes things to extremes. And it's been at the point for decades now that 'faster, harder, more bass' etc is done to a more than tender turn. You can only go so far until a wise man realizes it's time to go back 'round the circle and honour and study the past. There's nothing new under the sun as the old saying goes....but there is a stream of humanity that doesn't want this to be true, they want to be as gods, create a digital version of themselves and are willing to sacrifice everything that makes life worth living in order to do it, just to show that they can do it, i.e. use technology to be as god. arrogant . hendrix would never be down for such a thing, he was a humble man

grab a cold one and enjoy this tribute


damn he gets some great tone out of that red strat, hard to believe that is a true single coil, but if you play through a properly tuned plexi , you can get some heavy grindy tone our of a strat. This is the kind of tone I try and get these days.

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