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Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:31 am
by Tone seaker
Just currious any one that has a 69 super lead or clone what they think Hendrix set his presence, trebble, mid, bass volume 1, and volum 2. I know he probably changed them a little show to show but most touring people like that have basic settings. Like Trower he has stars paisted on his amps so that he can set it the same every time.

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:50 am
by supro48
i thought Hendrix put everything on 10 and manipulated his tone and volume controls on his guitars. :jimi:

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:20 am
by Xplorer
i know that he didn't set his amp volume at max, but that's all i know.

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:42 pm
by Tone seaker
I have seen clips where he would go over and ajust his amp durring a song a example would be bleeding heart at the royal albert hall. So he did not run them flat out and that is what im currious about if any one has dialed in his tone and what there settings are. look here at around 2:50 it looks like he ajust the presence


Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:20 am
by Cheech

In the beginning it shows him using the wah and fuzz face. Not amp related but cool.

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:19 am
by 908ssp
By the end of the show everything was on ten so it depends if you want beginning show sound or end. :shred:

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:29 am
by Cheech
I know that if I try to put everything on 10 with my JTM45 it sounds bad. Muddy. Maybe the 100w is different.

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:06 am
by Tone seaker
908ssp wrote:By the end of the show everything was on ten so it depends if you want beginning show sound or end. :shred:
I have to disagree. You only ocasionaly see him ajust his amp and its one knob. There are many videos of the whole concert and he dones not touch the amp. One is the Band of Gypsys which shows between songs. My 68 super lead sounds bad with every thing on 10 but really good on 8 just not quite the exact Hendrix sound so I am asking for final tweeks from people who know or have it nailed. I have seen to many pro's amps who dont run them flat out and get great tones. Look at Robin Trowers. He gets pretty Hendrixy without running it flat out. If any one goes for the Hendrix tone and gets close please post. Thanks

Trowers amp

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:31 am
by swankmotee
He always ran them flat out and sometimes tweaked prescence or switched the stand by switches on when adding a second amp into the mix. At the tail out of Machine Gun from BOG you can see him reach back and cut the 2nd amp on for the feedback portion. There were many times when he would do that if the amps were giving him grief or he was frustrated with his sound. Myself personally cannot get the Hendrix tones unless the amp is dimed but thats just me." onclick=";return false;

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:55 am
by stef
everything on 10 works (high bright input only)

That Trowers' amp is a master volume amp (2203), no good for ole Jimi

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:06 am
by Tone seaker
stef wrote:everything on 10 works (high bright input only)

That Trowers' amp is a master volume amp (2203), no good for ole Jimi
yes but it shows that his Mid. Bass, Presence and trebble are not dimmed just like i dont believe Jimis were. I think he was to tone concuius just to dim every thing

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:19 am
by Xplorer
IMHO, he was after more treble, as many said he claimed, and he didn't set his amp volumes at max, or perhaps just sometimes But the fuzz did a lot. Also, to really hear the hendrix sound, you may have to use an old LP, and use it with a great hi fi amp. Trebles and mediums won't be the same.

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:04 am
by swankmotee
Guys, it's been well documented in interviews with his roadies like Gary Stickells,Eric Barrett,and others that he DIMED everything to get the absolute most from the Marshall's when playing live. If you've been a vintage Marshall aficiando as long as I have you learn from much experimentation that this is a true statement because that is the way that the Fuzzface best interacted to get the huge tones he produced. I listen to many Youtube clips and such of guys going for that tone and many totally miss that fact and wind up with tones that are thin and anemic sounding and anything but Hendrix tonally. It was a combination of the pedal AND the amplifier at max volume that made that sound. In the studio he did try many different things and settings like we all do but live was a different story.

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:11 am
by Xplorer
agree on the difference between live and studio. But in some lives, i don't hear a dimed marshall everytimes.

Re: Hendrix amp settings

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:06 pm
by Tone seaker
swankmotee wrote:Guys, it's been well documented in interviews with his roadies like Gary Stickells,Eric Barrett,and others that he DIMED everything to get the absolute most from the Marshall's when playing live. .
I have read every thing i could find on Hendrix for 40 years and never read anything where a roadie said he dimed every thing can you give a link i just have never seen that and have read a lot. It has always been just regular people claiming that. When he uses the shared cathode amps if he dimmed the bass it would be a mud hole. I am asking about his 69-70 sounds though just to clarify. I run my 68 super lead with every thing on 10 and it does not sound like Hendrix it sounds more like him with it all on 8 but not exactly.