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Need Fuzz Face info

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:59 pm
by Tone Slinger
I basically want to know what everyone thinks is the best current production clone/reissue. I like the sound Jimi was getting in '69 up to and including the BOG gigs. He seemed to have that red Fuzz Face with the stratocaster knobs on it. I've heard LOTS of conjecture as to that particular units origin. So, whats the best route to go in regards to that sound (to my ears it sounded right in between a good germanium and a good silicone, brighter than germanium but warmer than silicone.) I'm well aware of variences in his amp tops (transitional in that era), speakers, etc, and how that also plays a role. I've messed around here and there with electronics, but at this point don't have the time. I'd rather just play :D . So whats the consensus on such a unit ?

Re: Need Fuzz Face info

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:52 pm
by Xplorer
that's a good question. First, you need a west coast 6550 modded SL, it's Dave's mod, because it has a huge influence on the way a fuzz sounds over an el34 standard SL. very different dynamics and kind of saturation, and different cleans, different frequencys ... IMO, don't even try this fuzz quest and any comparisons if you don't start with this.

with this west coast amp, you can play who knows and other cleans without any fuzz, it's exactly the sound, although we suspected at some point that the fuzz could be in, just with the volume up and the fuzz gain down to zero, and an "always on" fuzz mod, where the footswitch just launchs a gain stage basicaly.

now for the wild sounds from bog etc ... we're still thinking and working on it. plenty of approachs and one way to narrow down the sound would be to :
- use a west coast amp, g12h30 75 hz pulsonic cone ( although it's unsure if these speakers were used, they sound perfect for this job, over any others ) . this way you can't really get wrong with the essential base.
- try various fuzz and see where it goes > it'll lead to some interesting theorys.
> do clips about it please ! ;)

Re: Need Fuzz Face info

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 6:45 am
by Tone Slinger
I totally agree and understand about the amp and speaker set up and how that interacts with fuzz/OD/Distortion boxes. I use the '69 Hendrix tone as a reference but my favorite Hendrix tone/s are on 'Electric Ladyland'. I like the cleans he was getting as well as the airy dimension ( I'm assuming he used a Fender combo of some sort alot). The fuzz circuit in my old Roland Jet Phase, imo, really has a quality very similar to the distorted tone on 'House Burning Down", though I know that isnt what he used.

Re: Need Fuzz Face info

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:11 am
by Xplorer
Edit : In all along the watchtower, it definitely sounds like a west coast amp, ( even though all along the watchtower was recorded in 1968 ) according to a clip of a modded amp that isn't arround anymore unfortunately, it was surprising, perfectly the same sound. Perhaps the 6ca7 theory, into a transitional marshall, or the use of a 45/100, i don't know.
For electric ladyland i agree that it must be a fender, but it's not very far, from the west coast amp. Anyway, these cleans are amazing.

Re: Need Fuzz Face info

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:56 am
by stratcat
Xplorer wrote:In all along the watchtower, it's definitely a west coast amp, according to a clip of a modded amp that isn't arround anymore unfortunately, it was surprising, perfectly the same sound.
For electric ladyland i agree that it must be a fender, but it's not very far, from the west coast amp. Anyway, these cleans are amazing.
All Along The Watchtower, recorded in 1967? Was a West Coast amp? :lol: :lol: :palm: