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Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:30 pm
by Xplorer
Hello !

i just tapeop'ed my new SM57 and i like it. i combined it with an SE R1 Ribbon mic, and it sounds superb.
the sm57 facing the grillcloth, at 1 inch away, about half way between the center and the side of the speaker. and the SE R1 at difference distances, from close to the speaker to one meter away.

But it got me to know more about recording, forget a bit my past habits of an amateur, and go for better.

i'm wondering if you have some infos about Eddie's way to record Jimi's amps, in studio, in lives, for Bog maybe ... And which mics he used. he wrote a book about it, isn't it ?

because it makes really a big difference according to the position of the mic, the type used, the distance, what's after the mic ... etc

thank you

Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:59 pm
by Xplorer
for now, what i gathered is only this : for Woodstock, he used some SM58.
it seems that he used one on the side of a speaker, and one off axis, just hanging against another speaker, judging from this picture. But then, how does he mix things with omni ambiant mic ? and reverb etc ?



Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:03 pm
by Xplorer
edit, more Google stuffs, that i put there so later i can gather the rest :
generally speaking it was either a 67 or [a Beyer] M160 or a combination of both, which I still use today. It might be slightly different, of course, but the basic principle's the same — a ribbon and a condenser, along with compression and EQ and reverb. All that stuff was always added during recording
ok now i want an U67 ( 16 000 $ ??? ) and an M160 ( 600 is more ok .. ) lol. i'd rather go for a peluso P67, if i really want to go in this direction, but 2000 is still a lot of money.

multipattern large-diaphragm condenser microphone with a tube-and-transformer topology for the U67,
and ribbon for the m160. i suppose that the R1 will be very close

Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:00 am
by tazzboy

Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:21 pm
by Xplorer
tazzboy wrote:
Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:00 am
Thank you !! very interesting

Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:16 am
by tazzboy
Well I figure coming straight from the man who recorded a majority of Hendrix's songs and Albums

Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:40 am
by Xplorer
Sure. Well, i still hope to find something where he describes various ways to mic Jimi's amps, the positions, combinations, mixing it ...
i think there was a masterclass somewhere, where he talks a bit about this. i should search a bit.

in another video, someone asks him how many mics were used on Little wing, and he doesn't go further than : we had a 4 tracks recording system. He doesn't really answer. And the master tapes for the mix represent 6 tracks on Little wing, and each may have more than just one mic ....
it's surprising how using the same mics, today ( like the SM57 ) it'll sound different than on these old great records ...

Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:43 pm
by tazzboy
You mean this


Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:59 pm
by Xplorer
yes indeed ! thanks.

Well, maybe some more answers are in his books but eddie kramer sometimes remember things his way ..

Re: Eddie Kramer's micing, on Jimi's amps

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:01 am
by tazzboy