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12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:31 pm
by ReidarNikolai
Hi all
So I was going to start on my 12 000 yesterday.
Using Marstran T2562 and Marstran C1998 transformers.

But then I saw Emmjaydubya's add for at 132 OT in a 12 000 series and wondered what the difference would be?
My T2562 has the lower voltage option. I have been thinking about using either the Marstran choke or an old Metro 351 that I have laying around.

Any thoughts please??

Thanks in advance

Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:46 pm
by ReidarNikolai
Found the answer.
Just needed a coffee and my glasses on :)
Thread can be deleted.


Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:38 pm
by vanhalen5150
The T2562 PT is a very good tranny.

Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:00 am
by Strat78
Did you mean a 352-114 choke? I like the Tone Clone M-CH late 60's choke, I think it is 3.8H, But the C1999 is great too. The 132 OT will be slightly more agressive than the 1998. The 2.2k impedance is nice, but that is not your normal spec for a 132 which should be 1.75k.
The first half of this clip was with a 2" 2.2k impedance OT, the second half (at 2:24) was a C1998 1.5" 1.75k impedance. The PT in both sections was a M e r r e n.

Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:25 am
by vanhalen5150
Is that 2" 2.2k OT one of the Mercuries? I like the tone of both but it seems to have more bite.

Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:29 am
by Strat78
That was the Mercury "O100JM-VZ" OT in the first half of the clip. I think the second OT was a mercury as well.

Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:42 am
by vanhalen5150
Strat78 wrote:That was the Mercury "O100JM-VZ" OT in the first half of the clip. I think the second OT was a mercury as well.
Great, that's the OT I have in the latest build. Only been over a year.....

Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:00 am
by ReidarNikolai
Hi guys

Thanks for the response: great that you chime in here.

For sure I meant the 352 choke.
I have a Marstran C1998 and a 132 (with 1,75K) to choose from.
The PT is with the lower voltage setting.

I have a 45/100 and a 10 000 SB already.
Having a bit trouble with ghosting and not so much tightness in the 10 000.
I would like the 12 000 to be tight and not muddy :P

Let me know your thoughts -please :rock:


Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:12 am
by vanhalen5150
Build it first. Then start with the filtering. They always sound different. You need the base to start with. Tubes are huge in the 12000 as well. Just a power tube change makes a huge difference.

Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:29 am
by emmjaydubya
Hallelujah!! Someone turned on the lights in the 12,000 basement!

I haven't built a 10,000 YET ( :lol: :lol: :twisted: ), but from what I have read, ghosting can be an attribute of the 10,000, especially the dual-rectified Black Flag. Still want to build one next year though. Did you use Larry grounding?

I have been curious about the difference between the 132 and the C1998, I might try a C1998 one of these days. Plexified has said that the smaller iron is a component of the sag along with the power supply, always makes me wonder...

BTW, my 12,000 is plenty tight, no ghosting.

Re: 12 000 OT (and choke) question

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:05 pm
by ReidarNikolai
Great playing on the clip!
I think the 132 OT sounds better than the C1998 in the clips.
I really like the "open rawness" compared to the less gain and tighter (frequency wise) sound of the C1998
Might save the 1998 for a '69 later..
And will decide on a choke later.

Will start building with pics tomorrow.
I'll start a new thread then :)

Thanks again for chiming in!
