12000 series vs 69 plexi

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12000 series vs 69 plexi

Post by chawonkey » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:45 pm

Hi all. Wondered what peoples opinions where when it comes to these amps. I'm going for a Jimmy Page and beyond type of sound. So what would be the differences between these two amps? Also is a 100 watt that much different in tone than a 50 watt? I can manage a 50 watt much easier than 100 but if there is that big a difference in tone between the 2 then I will look into it. Thanks!

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Re: 12000 series vs 69 plexi

Post by Ydna » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:02 am

A 69 100 watter would be the closest amp in terms of live Led Zeppelin sound, if you've researched it, Page used a lot of small amps in the studio, then pulled out the Marshalls for the live stuff. The volume difference between a 50 and a 100 watt amp is only about 3 decibels, which isn't very much. The 100 watters will stay cleaner higher up on the volume knob then a 50 watt amp. A 100 watt amp will also sound fuller. Both 50 watt and 100 watt amps are good amps, no doubt, it depends on preference. For myself personally, if I wanted a live Led Zeppelin sound, I'd go with a 69 100 watter. You could easily pull off Zeppelin with a 12,000 though, the 12,000 and the 69 are quite similar.

My final answer for you is 69 100 watt Superlead Plexi.

~Current Amps~
1. 1963 Sano Supersonic
2. 1990s Fender Dual Showman
3.JTM45/100 Build

~Future Amps~
1. 69 Superlead
2. Lots of Metropoulos amps

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