Replacing a 73 100WATT SUPERBASS PCB card ?

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Replacing a 73 100WATT SUPERBASS PCB card ?

Post by BobbyHo » Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:28 pm

i have had some problems regarding my very first build-modification of an amp.

As i REALLY want to learn this myself i dont want to ask one of my tech friends..

But to do this I DO require some additional help..

Here is the problem:
With the master board kit i got schematics and pictures of a board
looking somewhat different than the one i now installed all of the wires on.
I guess this would be no problem for someone used to this but for me.. shit..

I need complete and detailed schematics ( and correct ) pictures-if possible
of the replacement of an Marshall 100 W PCB card with a Metro Kit card ( like the 2203 i have)

Until then maybe someone:

For example.. I have a bunch of "wormlike" pink insulating wires all looking the same coming
from the old stock power transformer.. My old card had similar connections as the Metro card has,
but no included Metro schematics show this at all... OR the ones that do, what Transformer do they refer to ?
My amp is a European 220 Volt model

The 2203 instructions show two terminal pins and my new board has seven ! ? :roll:
I am sort of confused ! :roll:

Anyone ?
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Re: Replacing a 73 100WATT SUPERBASS PCB card ?

Post by neikeel » Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:42 am

A photograph of your old PT would be good. Did you label where each came from before you pulled it apart?

IIRC the scandinavian Marshalls have a layer of extra pink insulation over the PT primaries (you may find the correct colours underneath.

Here are the wire colours:
scroll down to the JMP 100 diagram (the one with yellow groupings on the labels)

Your original board probably had all the primary wires linked to the board in sequence (110/120/220/230/240 and common and you would just link one wire of your choice to the wall supply). Like this: ... 3c0_3.html Here you can see the link wire.

Earlier scandinavian amps did it like this ... 1a5_3.html with a long tag board screwed to the chassis wall.

You will need to use the 220 and common wires only and insulate all the other primary off really carefully.

Now important the lugs on the board on the metro come from the PT secondaries via the switches and (look below and you will see the PT at the bottom, on the right you will see the secondaries with the middle of the three coils in the has three wires, the outer two (green and black on the Marstran pic) that go to the standby switch will go to the lugs on the board, the centre wire - usually yellow goes to the junction of the first two filter caps on the metro board, after the switch) these supply your rectifier diodes with ac.

If this does not make sense you must study the schematics and layouts carefully otherwise you will fry yourself and/or the amp :wink:

Oh and ask again!

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