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69 Super Bass Build Pics w/ reproduction turret board

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:46 pm
by harddriver
Here's the beginning of my 1969 Super Bass build, check out the beautiful board made by Brian at reproduction turret boards earlier in the year! I just got done staking the turrets, for those of you who have had 1/8" holes drilled in your boards and want to use Georges standard turrets they can be successfully staked using the correct punch and a full support wood board underneath. Before staking I flipped the turret board over so the bottom of the turret would be facing up, I then marked every turret hole on the wood backer board I then drilled oversize holes(in the wood backer board) so the turret would push through and the circuit board remain flat and supported by the wood backer board. I then staked every turret with about 3-4 decent wacks with a punch that inserted in the bottom of the turrets, the trick is to wiggle the punch out and not twist. All the turrets are extremely tight and will not push at all, Brian's board material might be stronger than Georges Fiberglass board so just be carefull how hard you hit the punch, you can see the turret expanding with each hit you get a feel for how much force is enough to fully stake them. We'll I have to get back to wiring, Thanks for the board Brian! :D