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South East Metro members, stay safe from Hurricane Matthew!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:54 am
by Scumback Speakers
I just wanted to tell all Metro members in the south east USA to stay safe from Hurricane Matthew. I just got off the phone with Adam Palow at Tungsten Amps in Florida, and he's going to be on the outskirts of this hurricane, and expects 80 mph winds so he's battening down the hatches and removing anything from his yard/garden that could turn into a flying projectile.

I want you all to stay safe, get 3 days of food/supplies and gas for your generators or cars and be careful!

I used to live in tornado alley in the MidWest, so I have some experience with high winds and being prepared.

Hope you all weather this monster without any damage, pain or suffering. Good luck!
