I did a BE100 based build with some mods to taste. The pic is before mods. It actually looks cleaner now
1. 3-way switcheable NFB Loop -
middle Stock 220k.4700pf
left - 100k in parallel with 220k/4700pf
right - 68k in paralell with 220k/4700pf
2. modified switching so that left switch for channel is lit for dirty and off for clean
1. Added Mid control
2. Used .047/.047/220pf . 10k slope
Here is where I got a little creative. I didn't like the HBE being too hot when gain all of the way dimed and structure in the highest gain position. If you are a wanker like me and sit too close to the amp, you get some unwanted feedback with high output pickups in HBE mode with gain and structure dimed. I noticed this on mine as well as the production models and was informed that was normal.
1. Using the spare side of the BE/HBE relay, I wired the hot side of the 10k on v2b that otherwise would be hooked to the structure switch to the relay common. I then wired the structure the relay so that it's only in play for the BE channel. When you switch to the HBE, it switches out the structure and adds 10k/.33uf in parallel with the 10k, so that the HBE see's 5k/.33. To me this not only makes the HBE much more useable with the gain and structure maxed out, but it much more open and retains similar gain levels without going over the edge into feedback. I also like this because if the switch the structure to a lower gain setting on the BE side, when you switch to the HBE side you are still at the same gain level because the structure is only engaged on the BE channel.
What is everyones thoughts? I personally don't think that the structure is especially useable for the HBE channel
Thats all I can think of for now. I am curious if anyone else has done any mods
BE100 Based Build
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